Friendship is the kind of relationship where it's fine if you have them, but no big deal i...

Icicle January 11, 2025 8:44 pm

Friendship is the kind of relationship where it's fine if you have them, but no big deal if you don't? Well, fuck you, too, bitch. A toxic bastard like you deserves to be friendless and alone your whole life. I guess, the "system" thing gave that guy red eyes because they wanted to warn people about what a red flag he is. MC bro, if you were my friend IRL, I'd have done everything within my power to get you away from that piece of shit. If you got involved with a guy like that, you are consenting to a toxic, manipulative relationship where the other person is always going to bristle at the fact that you are an independent person and not their property. They are going to do everything they can to make you as dependent on them as possible.

The reason that these kinds of people look at friendships as inferior is because friends aren't socially expected to give up other important things in order to be friends. Friendship are expected to be completely equal and completely free at all times. That's what they hate about it. They are dissatisfied with friendships because they hate being part of a team. They want to feel like they own people. They want relationships were they can feel like that they have brought an unrelated, unaffliated peer under their subjugation where the person is pathologically dependent on them. The only place where they have been made to believe that they can get it, at least consensually, though that's dubious at best, is a romantic relationship. That's the only relationships where social pressures and cultural indoctrination are working synergistically with their nefarious desires to get them what they want.

If you ever get caught up with a person like this, don't join in and help such weirdos get their way by returning their advances. Get out of an active relationship as soon as you begin noticing such traits in your domestic and/or romantic partner/s. People like these that don't respect the distinction between family, friends and lovers and expect their lovers to be be more than what they are supposed to be, need to be cured as soon as possible. If you encourage their delusions, it is a nearly universal rule, that they will turn out to be entitled, narcissistic f**ers who are grossly chauvinistic, possessive, abusive and coercive towards people they are romantically interested in.

Also, since we're on the topic, and I see a lot of people here with a very immature and often, careless attitude towards romantic interactions, here's a little PSA. This is very, very important to keep yourself safe from abusive relationships. Always maintain full, uncompromising social and financial independence. Don't bind yourself in a way that you won't be able to let go of. And no matter what, never let your independent support system fizzle out. Your strongest affiliation should always remain with your family or a trusted, tested group of friends. And, never ignore your family and friends warning you against a potential or active sexual partner. They are the people who love you most selflessly and even if you think they are mistaken in their judgement, don't dismiss it outright. If your near and dear ones appear uncomfortable about your sexual partner, you must understand that they are able to have a clearer picture than you do since they are personally invested because of you but they are not directly involved in the situation. So, you should pay attention, remain alert around said partner and cooperate with your people in investigating them. Follow these steps to avert unnecessary pain, trauma and tragedy.
