They introduce the sister as weak then go “nu-uh” when the MC and her switch bodies because “um actually” that weakness was actually a result of OP magic that wasn’t being used (why didn’t MC just tell her sister that?????). I kinda don’t like she gets OP main character Mary sue powers. I want her to live with being weak and pretty like her sister not pretty + powerful + the handsome powerful prince is in love with her/ obsessed with her. That’s too much.
They introduce the sister as weak then go “nu-uh” when the MC and her switch bodies because “um actually” that weakness was actually a result of OP magic that wasn’t being used (why didn’t MC just tell her sister that?????). I kinda don’t like she gets OP main character Mary sue powers. I want her to live with being weak and pretty like her sister not pretty + powerful + the handsome powerful prince is in love with her/ obsessed with her. That’s too much.