
kickassfu January 11, 2025 2:13 pm

don't talk to the police without a lawyer present. they are not your friend.

ppl in the comments blaming him for being a pushover when the other person is at fault is really funny too. like you're blaming the victim? lol a lot of ppl have a hard time saying no, and ppl will take advantage of it.

    Adam January 11, 2025 2:33 pm

    I wanna know what punishment the friend got. Cause if he got away scot free that makes no sense. He's still the one who chose to drive while drunk, even if the person handing him the keys knew he was drunk.
    But the Japanese police suck ass so who knows

    kickassfu January 11, 2025 3:33 pm
    I wanna know what punishment the friend got. Cause if he got away scot free that makes no sense. He's still the one who chose to drive while drunk, even if the person handing him the keys knew he was drunk. But... Adam

    yeah he was still driving drunk so like??? did he have to pay something? does he have a criminal record as well? i have no idea how that works, but it's stupid that the responsibility is on the person that lent the car.

    HuaHua January 11, 2025 8:56 pm

    Iiiiii feeeeellll soooo frustateddddd from that one comment abhddjkalxldncld aaaaaaaaaaaa

    kickassfu January 11, 2025 11:40 pm
    Iiiiii feeeeellll soooo frustateddddd from that one comment abhddjkalxldncld aaaaaaaaaaaa HuaHua

    yeah i feel you <3 as if the trauma of being used and bullied as a kid/teen would be gone just 'cause you're an adult. that comment was very tone deaf.

    and even if that wasn't the case, just because someone has a hard time saying no, doesn't mean ppl should take advantage of it. also as if he'd ever think the dude was going to drink, drive, crash the car and then put the blame on him.

    how is he the one to blame??

    HuaHua January 12, 2025 1:44 am

    Tone deaf indeed. When I read the manga, I also feel frustrated and annoyed by the MC because I felt like all these year he hasn't grown up a bone. I'm kinda scared of how the whole manga gonna be like that.

    BUT I know what to say and what not to say. Also being actively blame MC? Wow. Imagine MC is a girl, and got R* by her boss because there is power play.

    MC's whole situation is both ridiculous and unfortunate. I feel like it's because he doesn't have anyone on his side who could wake him up from being such a pushover. That's one of the frustrating part.

    Someone clearly super privilege to not have any compassion on another human being that were having a misfortune.

    kickassfu January 12, 2025 1:54 am
    Tone deaf indeed. When I read the manga, I also feel frustrated and annoyed by the MC because I felt like all these year he hasn't grown up a bone. I'm kinda scared of how the whole manga gonna be like that. BU... HuaHua

    like yeah it's normal because we put ourselves in the MC's shoes and know that we wouldn't do what he did. and it's also normal to dislike a character for it lol but like i look at my mom, and at her inability to say no to ppl and it's just how some ppl are. sometimes therapy is needed to solve these issues. and yeah it feels like MC didn't have a very good support system.

    i don't usually care, because this is fiction and it's wtv. but the person that commented that, felt like they'd say shit like this about real ppl and that saddens me. we're all different, and a lil bit of empathy goes a long way.

    HuaHua January 12, 2025 2:31 am

    Yes yes. I agree at everything you said. I know it's just a fictional character, but isn't it because we like reading their life that's why we care for them until certain point. I grew up from being people pleaser, it was hard every time I did smth nice but they don't care or didn't did the same thing for me. So I tried little by little to stop being such a pushover.

    MC is walking toward his new life, all I hope is he won't get stepped on by the people there later

    Adam January 12, 2025 2:44 am
    Yes yes. I agree at everything you said. I know it's just a fictional character, but isn't it because we like reading their life that's why we care for them until certain point. I grew up from being people plea... HuaHua

    I hope so too! And congratulations on your improvment! I'm sure your hard work is paying off!
    I'm also somewhat of a people pleaser, but in my case it's not terminal and I'm quite good at rejecting things I find unreasonable.

    HuaHua January 12, 2025 7:36 am
    I hope so too! And congratulations on your improvment! I'm sure your hard work is paying off!I'm also somewhat of a people pleaser, but in my case it's not terminal and I'm quite good at rejecting things I find... Adam

    Tysm for the encouragement!! I hope you got better too especially if it's still a light one

    Gup January 13, 2025 10:18 am

    No one is not blaming the bully but he is to blame. I never once seen him beaten but you will let this guy boss you around through high school, college and go to your house to take your car? Because it easier? He’s pathetic and it comes to a point where it’s his fault.

    kickassfu January 13, 2025 11:21 am
    No one is not blaming the bully but he is to blame. I never once seen him beaten but you will let this guy boss you around through high school, college and go to your house to take your car? Because it easier? ... Gup

    you think bullying is all about physical violence? just because someone takes advantage of you does not make it your fault they did it. that same thought process is what rapists use btw, if you didn't dress like that you wouldn't get raped or you shouldn't have been drunk etc.

    i'm not here to argue with you btw. yes he shouldn't have lent the car, but you're only seeing him through your perspective and how you'd handle things. we're not all the same and some people have a hard time standing up for themselves, if you think that's pathetic like wtv that's your opinion but be a more empathetic to the ppl around you at least. Like this is fake and he's not a real person, so i don't give a fuck, but i hope that towards the ppl in your life you're a little kinder and more understanding.

    HuaHua January 13, 2025 2:03 pm
    No one is not blaming the bully but he is to blame. I never once seen him beaten but you will let this guy boss you around through high school, college and go to your house to take your car? Because it easier? ... Gup

    God forbid someone being bullied have you as their friend.