sorry for the long reply but I feel it’s necessary to properly point out why nathan is in my opinion in the wrong.
Idk about the other readers but he was right in calling it quits after his sexual needs weren‘t met. my issue with nathan however is how he kept on creating unfair situations these past chapters. in andrew‘s mind everything was fine. for nathan it wasn‘t. he talked about wanting to communicate with andrew but didn‘t. kept a bottycall open while simultaneously inviting andrew to his show. tried to have sex with him at his workplace which andrew obviously didn‘t want. I mean he was just trying to impress nathan‘s colleagues in the next room a couple of minutes prior. was a touch to close to his bootycall/colleague with his bf watching. tried to have a relationship talk when he didn‘t get his way at his workplace, yet didn‘t give andrew a proper chance to explain himself and just left him there to sleep with his colleague. I mean everything was fine in andrew‘s eyes yet somehow hr lost his bf in a span of probably less than an hour without being given the chance to change anything. nathan was fine letting a potential threesome happen, knowing how messed up the entire situation still was. even during their talk in the hotel the situation was unfair. the atmosphere was unfamiliar for andrew and with that artist-bitch waiting the conversation once again had a time limit which put even more pressure onto andrew. andrew definitely messed up by not being honest from the beginning and yes he has unresolved insecurities. but they only bubbled up after nathan continuously cornering him in a span of not even an entire day. nathan did point out a lot of important points. but the way he went about it was ass. him preaching while not properly cutting the connection makes him seem like even more of an ass. this way of acting is a lack of emotional maturity. I myself am in my mid 20s and see this type of behavior from quite a few peers, especially male ones, left and right. andrew is blaming himself too much which caused his many insecurities, while nathan doesn‘t blame himself enough to actually change his behavior at all.
So nathan being very sexual is not the problem at all. it‘s everything else.
tbh I don’t think nathan is actually ready for a proper relationship himself. they both need to work on themselves.

I completely agree but the comments section were making it look like nathan was the only person wrong, and their sexy top and baby andrew was the cutest and wouldn't hurt a soul. it was just very hypocritical to me. Bcs most of the time in these type of stories the tops are sex maniacs but the minute an uke who is overtly sexual in anyway shape or form people are quick to call them sluts while the tops dont get called in anyway and often even called hot because of their promiscuity.

I find that quite weird as well. but the responses in the comments kinda irritate me in general, since the bl community kinda established their own weird stereotypes and rules that make little to no sense. even the topic of red/black flags shows that the opinions are either random or due to favoritism.
Yall are so ass, if andrew was the sex maniac yall wouldn't bat an eye, but if the uke or bottom even remotely wants to have sex yall call him a slut. And that wasn't even nathans point. The point is andrew is getting pressured to do things he doesn't even like and lying to nathan about it. If he just had come clean about his problem to nathan earlier they could've talked it out. Yall are acting as if nathan cheated on him.