Normal people are warned to stay away from this. Only the first couple of chapters are eno...

HyouganeMiyagi January 11, 2025 9:13 am

Normal people are warned to stay away from this. Only the first couple of chapters are enough to discern that this is gonna be problematic on so many levels.

The MC is creepy, entitled, unlikeable and has a very twisted on human relationships. At his ripe old age of 31, that guy still believes in the deranged nonsense that you can't love someone and prioritize them and trust them to do the same for you unless they are romantically interested in you.

The ex is a straight guy who used to be the closest friend to MC but he got involved with the MC in the wrong way because the MC was a dishonest friend that deliberately misled him for his own nefarious intentions, the ex himself was suffering under the delusion that your closest social relationship has to be romantic, and all this came together into causing him to confuse his friendly love for the MC as romantic interest.

The ML is 23, barely out of college intern, who is apparently so sex-starved that he mixes up the idolization and admiration that he feels for a highly accomplished senior professional in his field, nearly a decade older than himself, with sexual desire. And unfortunately, for this exceedingly immature person, he gets manipulated by that senior, who would be morally expected to nip such problematic sexual interactions in the bud and help a confused young colleague see wisdom, but instead that perverted creep decides to take advantage of the mistake in judgement made by his much younger newbie, who is very, very junior to him in a professional as well social sense, and decides to turn in into an opportunity to exploit the boy to satisfy his own twisted fetishes.

This pervert just cannot help himself but be obsessed with people who are strictly off-limits. Why can't he go after other androphilic men, closer in age and hierarchy, instead of chasing straight men and cradle robbing? What are you, James Charles?

I just can't comprehend how so many people are liking these Donald Trumps and Harvey Weinsteins, that these kinds of plotlines have multiplied like cockroaches and absolutely overwhelmed the entire shoujo(includes josei, shounen ai, yaoi, and a good chunk of shoujo ai and yuri as well) library completely. These days you have to root around in a mountain of turd, to find a sane story with normal people as characters.

    daddycain February 26, 2025 10:43 pm

    It’s seems like you are not the sharpest spoon in the drawer

    shrao February 28, 2025 9:03 am

    Wisdom is chasing u, u are clearly faster