His problem in uni isn't clearly mentionned - but we had a glimpse at Semin family financial situation. Things would probably become clearer through the chapters!

Spoiler alert
I have read it till chapter 32 in Comica. The story progress of this Comic is so slow, I would say, till chapter 32 I still don't know about Semin past why he failed his univ exam and I think it have anyting to do with his father (Semin almost killed by his father). He move from his house and start to working while he study at univ. he take a job to pay for his tuitions and to give it to his mother since his father is an asshole who didn't give money to his wife. Well, Semin have dark past, with father, classmate, etc,etc, just keep reading it. Yohan is so gentle towards Semin and always care to Semin. Everytime Semin had prolems, Yohan will be there for Semin <3

forget to say this, I re-read chapter 32 and found out Semin problems. He is in a bad relationship with his father, Once semin/ his father mention that Semin is not his son. His father always hit Semin (I'm crying when reading this, ;v;). His mother work her ass to pay for semin drawing course, but Semin always failed on his univ exams, and he got depressed. In chapter 6 we know that Kyonghe cheer-up Semin and convince him to transfer and take Univ major that Semin like (art major), and we all know Semin make it and he met Yohan, his Seme! XD

Here's my thoughts on it. I have not read ahead, these are my guesses from the current chapters.
At the end of high school something happened to his father who beat him up. As a result he failed the University exams & even thought about killing himself. Somehow he made it into a second (or third) rate university. Due to the university's low standards & poor teaching his future prospects were grim. (We know it was a bad school because he's struggling with things his current classmates learned long ago, and he's not familiar with the technology that's commonly used by these students.) If he was going to have a good future he needed to graduate from a good University.
His friend arranged for a local University to bend admission rules due to the principal's pity for his situation. It's not actually fair for a student already in college to take a Freshman admission test elsewhere. In my opinion this favor stung his pride (the chance came due to the principal hearing about his past, not by being impressed with his work). Also, he would have been a Freshman again, while all of his friends were third-years. It's hard to see your friends get ready to graduate while you're moving backwards by re-taking classes with kids who are much younger than you.
He decided he wanted to earn his place by using his own hard-work to move forward. That takes guts. Sometimes you prove to yourself that you've overcome your past (getting beat up) by proving to yourself you're strong and can change things without taking favors. He's facing his life by being honest about transferring (he could have lied and said it was due to military service), and overcoming the consequences (people who whisper about the transfer) by himself. It doesn't hurt that the new University he chose is far from home (and probably far from those bad memories) unlike the University doing him a favor, which was close to home.
I really hope this hard-working guy, who's doing his best, felt a little less alone when he saw blog-posts belonging to someone with similar artistic tastes. I hope he felt inspired by the images and that they sparked his own creativity in new directions. I'm going to be devastated if he ended up copying the images and claimed any of them were his own. Let's hope the "copycat" mentioned in the title refers to his fan-page and not to any of his school work. I'm rooting for this guy who (hopefully) didn't take the easy way out. Do your best!
Sorry maybe I'm stupid but what was his problem in university?
Also, why did he not take the entrance exam and went for the transfer?