In the novel he and Suying had a really deep relationship, and they were good to each other.
At some poiint Suying was starting to think of staying with him forever.
Xiao really LOVED Suiying and would do anything for him, and they show that in the novel, they have lots of scenes together, and duo to that part of the fandom was in xiao side, wishing for him to end with Suying, BUT in the manhua the artist cuted EVERYTHING FROM HIM.
Xiao was the person who helped suiying go back on track when he was the most depressed and alone.
Xiao was always there for him and this damn artist CUT THIS IMPORTANT PART.

BITCH why are you lying ?
Xiao never dated anyone while he was dating Suying.
His parents wanted that and at some point suiying thought that would be the best for him, and a girl at the place he worked liked him, just that.
Xiao was really important to suiying in the novel, and even Suiying admits that.
They have lots of communication.
Just cause you like Li Yu is not your place to lie about the novel.
Wake up

By my recollection, even with Xiao’s explanation, both characters in my POV had lukewarm reactions to their partner potentially being with someone else long term because they both saw their relationship as temporary. I think they never viewed each other as equals—Xiao was more of an obedient comfort blanket than someone MC respected. Their relationship began because mc offered financial support for him to be available when needed. Though real feelings existed, this felt like more of a mutual relationship of convenience than a long term possibility for MC. I may have rushed through scenes involving Xiao due to lack of interest, but what’s shown in the manhwa to me seems more than sufficient to me to convey the relationship.

And thats is the point where you fucked up.
Both started out with a relationship of convenience, just like Liyu and Suying.
But Xiao quickly fell in love with Suiying and their relationship IS VERY WELL WORKED IN THE NOVEL.
If you didn't even have the decency to read it and want to say things that never happened, have some respect for yourself.
That's low.
Wanting to change something original in the novel to justify yourself.
As the other person said, PAY ATTENTTION.
Although you just admitted that you didn't use that to read it, even skipping parts.
I don't know how you can comment on that then.

I'm a huge obsessed fan with all novels of group 188.
I read all the novels in chronological order and in order of release.
The affection I have for each one is immense, precisely because I have read them so many times that I can say what I say.
Now it really pisses me off when someone who doesn't read carefully, admits that they didn't pay attention to this very important part of the novel, wants to come and comment to make it seem like they are right.
It's not something to draw your own conclusions.
You like it or not, they did had a relationship in the novel.
And they were each other's comfort for a while.
Now I'm gonna mute this section, because this girl is Pissing me off.

Its an alternative point of view on a story but I didnt say a single lie. Xiao has a lot of admiration and affection. Mcs affection for him feels almost parental. Notice how he always had dipped in and out on xiao but chose to be exclusive with ML. Not a coincidence. ML is trash but mc loved him passionately and his relationship with this character is lukewarm. Xiao does not in my opinion have enough value in the story to feature more in the manwha.
I hate that the artist decide to cut Xiao from the manhwa.
All his scenes was cut, he was really important in the novel for Jian Suying