Maybe I’m looking too much into it… what can I say

Culoculpa January 11, 2025 12:58 am

I kinda liked it tbh, like before I go into what I felt about the characters personalities and stuff, story wise it was kind of a bop.
It’s like the story in itself wasn’t the S&M play, it was the premise of the top having been in love with the bottom for SO LONG and having clung onto it for that amount of time.
Careful to not overstep and scare a person away, which is kind of what u do when u want to approach an - excuse me for the delicate use of topic - but an abuse/trauma victim.

Now clearly the bottom has his issues, but he’s not a bad person per se. He’s just extremely guarded, and yes it gets incredibly aggravating to see him push the top away for so long, but it’s becuz of his childhood trauma (which we see he still sort of has towards the end with his mom and stuff) and his current ex abuse and trauma that he is the way that he is.
The difference being he learned to accept the support and love from the top.

The S&M play sometimes seemed disjointed from the story, but at the same time it made sense? Since the bottom was so desperate to cling onto a semblance of control in his on way and then top was just trying to give him what he wanted. He ended up playing with him even if it wasn’t exactly something he was into, and idk I just found it interesting they didn’t drop it at the end.
Becuz I do see a lot of stories that start with the S&M play as a “coping” mechanism for a lot of the characters and then they drop it, so it was sort of nice? To see them stick to it cuz then it wasn’t just a form of self harm for the bottom.

Overall, I liked the story. Now PERSONALLY speaking - I did feel incredibly bad for the top at times and wished he would’ve done something during those years to like… not cling too hard, but as the pointed out in the story. 1. He’s weird too. Whether u see it in a good way or bad way is up to yall. 2. If he did it during those times where the bottom had his guard up, he would’ve continued being the way he was.
