I actually symphaize with the mother actually? Like she is surrounded by these unfeeling, empathyless people that are able of killing pets like insects and is treated like a lunatic for hating that. And then her son, the only one who isn't like the other humans around her gets hurt because of this very lack of empathy I would also lose my shit. Also there is no justification for the brothers actions he is literally insane

She treated him like shit prior to that bc H08 wasn't her biological son so she ALREADY hated him. Her being horrible to him and telling him to stay away from his brother, which is screwed up, plus a myriad of evil shit she did to him could have POSSIBLY ruined his ideals of right and wrong, I can see he's a bad person now, but that could have been changed if he was raised in a more stable environment.. wtf was their dad doing when all this was happening

Ur actually so right, shes the only one that wasnt made to be an emotional brick, for any of us that would be like being the only sane person in an asylum where everyone think we are the crazy one. I get that she should have treated the other kid differently, atleast in a way that wouldnt lead to him to treat his brother like. But I think most people would be uncomfortable with a child 'from another mother' (a machine in this case). And as he grew up im sure she saw that he was deep down, not a good person. In particular to have around her child.

But I do think that the way in which the brother is behaving has a lot more to do with the society around him than his mother. Like when he took down the dog his reasoning was because it wasn't vaccinated etc. - clearly ideals he learned within the Ark. Ideals that the mother despises, which is the reason for why she insisted on a biological child in the first place. Don't get me wrong, I do think a lot of his issues, especially his odd dependency on Helm stem from the Mother's treatment. But ultimately it was his surroundings that socialised him into drawing conlusions like 'that dog needs to die'.

He should've learned from that then? I'm not over here doing meth and hitting my boyfriend just because I saw my drug addicted parents? When something like that is shown... you were always twisted from the beginning if you take the dark route.
Otherwise you would've learned and became a bigger better person. But he is far from thag and I don't give a fuck of his little sob story he is reminiscing about.

I feel like you aren't taking the societal norms of the ark into account, HO-8 ended up that way because that's what everyone believed was morally correct!
Helms mother treated HO-8 horribly and didn't let him interact with Helm. HO-8 appears to have picked up this trait at the end of the chapter, and if we go back to the earlier ones we realise that HO-8 was the one that was killing all Helms partners. He's trying to shelter him, but he's doing it in a not so sound way..
I can see why you don't like him as a character though, most of his actions are heinous if you look at them at the surface level ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭
I kinda feel a bit sorry for his brother, I think their shitty excuse of a mother messed him up physiologically, possibly