ml told mc that he bonded to him on hospital bed, basically admitting to catching feelings. mc was taken aback, bc to him the entire thing was transactional, casual, and a means to an end. ml gives mc an ultimatum where it can only continue if mc’s feelings are on the line too. mc comes over to ml’s place during his rut, trying to give back some “feelings” in the hopes of satisfying ml. ml didnt fall for his scheme, while realising that he bonded subconsciously during ‘honey’ scene. hope that helps, kinda ヾ(☆▽☆)

np!! im glad i could be of help :)) to my understanding, bonding is when the alpha/omega becomes more sensitive to a particular person’s pheromones due to attraction/affection, so it’s similar to catching feelings but displayed in a physical manner, like how ml knew he fell for mc. knotting is when during smex the alpha reaches such a high that his pp starts deforming caused mainly by lust than love i wld say,, knotting is temporary & physical whereas a bond is something more permanent and chemical and in this story requires surgery (which ml considered and wld erase any attraction to mc). hope this helps! (⌒▽⌒)
can someone pls explain the last few chapters to me? mainly about the mcs but also in general