it’s because gang guy’s red string was attached to hangyul’s string BEFORE eunhan forcefully tied his and hangyul’s strings together. so now, gang guy’s string is connected to nobody. he needs to sever eunhan and hangyul’s string so the two strings that were previously connected can be either reattached to each other or attached to new “soulmates” i hope this makes sense!

to answer this question, no, he’s not okay with hangyul. he’s willing to ruin hangyul’s red string just for the slim chance that his will connect to his brother’s string. does that make sense? he couldn’t care less about hangyul, if destroying hangyul’s and eunhan’s connection is what he needs to do to get the slim chance of being able to romance hangyul’s brother, he’ll do it.
actually, i wouldn’t say he couldn’t care less, it’s moreso he only cares about hangyul because of his brother.
So purple hair gang banger wants the MC or his brother?