doc only started it because he was SO out of it that he couldn't even perceive the situation/person infront of him and mistook him for his ex lover. The other guy clearly knows all this, is pretty aware of things and used the doc's intoxicated state to his advantage. To consent you need to be lucid. The doc later on let it go even after aknowledging it was rape because on hindsight, he seemed to have enjoyed (?) it (I hesitate to use that term cuz don't want to imply anyone ever enjoys assault but yeah). He lets it go because he's that type of person but what happened is still rape.
This is literally seeing someone being passed out from having roofies or smth in their system, looking at them incoherently mumbling in a semi lucid state and then proceeding to fuck them because you want to even though you very well know they aren't lucid enough to consent. Especially when you know they're only compliant because they're intoxicated and if they were sober, this would not be happening. This is a real situation that happens irl far too commonly and it just reminded me of them, taking me out of the manhwa making me feel too gross.
sorry for typing a paragraph.

did we really read the same story? because thats not how i interpreted it at all.
to me it appeared that they were both not in their right mind and the other guy wasnt even thinking of doing anything before doc came onto him which in tern made him misunderstand the situation (thought doc liked him), so i really dont see how you can put the blame on a single party here and call it rape.

dawg the other guy definitely knew doc was seeing him as someone else, that's pretty clear, he calls him hyeonwoo which is why he gets pissed in the first place. And he was not as inebriated as doc FOR SURE and definitely also knew that, he even says it himself "I don't wanna mess with someone completely wasted but he started it" which the doc didn't, he was SO out of it that he mistook him for hyeonwoo. That isn't anywhere near consent.
Sooo, the other guy knew the doc was way too drunk to even think straight, but still fucked him because he was pissed and wanted to. If that's not taking advantage of a drunk person, aka rape idk what is. Please reread it, I'm sure you'll understand.
The rape in this one isn't even a romanticized slop that downplays the severeness of it in real life and isn't even close to what happens in reality like how it is usually. They got it pretty damn close to how it usually/generally happens, an intoxicated person that gets taken advantage of. And they even aknowledge it with the doc calling him a rapist. How on earth are people supposed to get over that ick and continue rooting for the couple.
The idea of two trashy people getting together is the cutest thing ever but not like this man, cmon.