I love how cute Mikoshiba and Amakuni are, but why would anyone buy multiple books on ""lo...

w_iju January 10, 2025 3:02 am

I love how cute Mikoshiba and Amakuni are, but why would anyone buy multiple books on ""lovemaking""....? Like, internet aside, is there really that much to this subject that it'd warrant the need for *multiple * books...??? Books are expensive, just buy doujin instead.

Anyway lol I'm mostly joshing. This was still a pretty good manga; nothing really groundbreaking on the dynamics but they were well executed so, a great (and cute) read. Amakuni and Mikoshiba especially were great with how awkward (as in, blushing and stuff) they both were around each other, but I have to say I really loved Miyabi-senpai... she was so cute...
