Just started the story, but I needed a little breather because of how horrendous the MC's parents are. That disgusting woman commits two unforgivable sins in quick succession. She treats her husband as more important than her child. And then both of them reveal their bigotry towards adoption. Both of behave so verbally and emotionally abusive towards their kid in those panels. I don't know if that behaviour will be revealed to be a norm or just that one instance was it. But, even if it was the only time that they acted like that, it was still far too gross and unforgivable to treat your child that way. If they even intend to repent and have their child, they'd have so much to apologise for, so much to compensate for, so much to repair that even, if they get their child back, it might still be a herculean task to reverse the damage that they did. This is just fiction, but if there are any parents, grandparents, uncles, aunts, older siblings/cousins in the comments, please actively take care to never treat a child that you're responsible for the way these two parents, who don't deserve to be parents, have treated their son.
These f**kers! When you have raised a child for so many years, spent so much of your time and effort into them, and have your future and legacy invested into them, and all they have ever known is you, what difference does it make anymore whether the child is genetically related to you or not! If these pieces of shit are that incapable of loving a child that genetically unrelated to them, why the fuck are they so obsessed with each other then that the wife would crucify her child if she thought that she was doing it for the husband's sake! I mean, the husband isn't genetically related to her either and he doesn't even, technically, count as her family. So, why does she love him but she is incapable of loving her own goddamn child! God, what horrendous people!
I wish people never had to experience parental neglect and parental abandonment in real life. It has to be one of the worst traumatic experience that a person can go through. Even though parental abandonment is thankfully not the norm, but the exceptions that do exist are still too many. Even if only one child is made to feel unimportant by the very people that it derives its identity from, the people that it recognises as the beginning and end of its world, the people that it loves and trusts unquestioningly, that's still a child too many. Every child deserves to be treated as precious, as the topmost priority by their guardians. Every person deserves to grow up with the sense of security that, no matter what, they'll always have their family, the people that raised them, the people that they grew up with, the people who are invested in them and that they are invested in, the people that they've relied on all their lives, those people, at the very least, will be in their corner loving them unconditionally, supporting them and ready to take on the world for their sake if need be.
Just started the story, but I needed a little breather because of how horrendous the MC's parents are. That disgusting woman commits two unforgivable sins in quick succession. She treats her husband as more important than her child. And then both of them reveal their bigotry towards adoption. Both of behave so verbally and emotionally abusive towards their kid in those panels. I don't know if that behaviour will be revealed to be a norm or just that one instance was it. But, even if it was the only time that they acted like that, it was still far too gross and unforgivable to treat your child that way. If they even intend to repent and have their child, they'd have so much to apologise for, so much to compensate for, so much to repair that even, if they get their child back, it might still be a herculean task to reverse the damage that they did. This is just fiction, but if there are any parents, grandparents, uncles, aunts, older siblings/cousins in the comments, please actively take care to never treat a child that you're responsible for the way these two parents, who don't deserve to be parents, have treated their son.
These f**kers! When you have raised a child for so many years, spent so much of your time and effort into them, and have your future and legacy invested into them, and all they have ever known is you, what difference does it make anymore whether the child is genetically related to you or not! If these pieces of shit are that incapable of loving a child that genetically unrelated to them, why the fuck are they so obsessed with each other then that the wife would crucify her child if she thought that she was doing it for the husband's sake! I mean, the husband isn't genetically related to her either and he doesn't even, technically, count as her family. So, why does she love him but she is incapable of loving her own goddamn child! God, what horrendous people!
I wish people never had to experience parental neglect and parental abandonment in real life. It has to be one of the worst traumatic experience that a person can go through. Even though parental abandonment is thankfully not the norm, but the exceptions that do exist are still too many. Even if only one child is made to feel unimportant by the very people that it derives its identity from, the people that it recognises as the beginning and end of its world, the people that it loves and trusts unquestioningly, that's still a child too many. Every child deserves to be treated as precious, as the topmost priority by their guardians. Every person deserves to grow up with the sense of security that, no matter what, they'll always have their family, the people that raised them, the people that they grew up with, the people who are invested in them and that they are invested in, the people that they've relied on all their lives, those people, at the very least, will be in their corner loving them unconditionally, supporting them and ready to take on the world for their sake if need be.