
Akaito January 9, 2025 5:21 pm

It seems like the other thread got deleted (I can’t blame the author though), but I did want to talk with you about the issue of rape in this webtoon based on your comment there. I wanted to ask what your personal definition of consent was before we even start getting into legal definitions. Personally I operate off the FRIES model. Here’s a link explaining it: https://adc.d211.org/cms/lib/IL49000007/Centricity/Domain/328/What%20is%20Consent.pdf

Do you agree? Or disagree? Why or why not?

    Shiki January 10, 2025 8:47 pm
    Tu es de France, Shiki ?I think that whatever... each has their expectations and appreciation of a story. We can only share our view and hope to find some resonance with the other, but it's impossible to make o... MangaSanctuary

    Ah! Si tu parles français écris-moi en fr xD c'est une plaie l'anglais, je m'efforce mais c'est chiant, les mangas ça passe encore voire ça en vaut carrément la peine, mais de lire des pavé de fou furieux en anglais là...
    Oui, tlm est différent mais les gens ont tendance à croire que tout le monde pense comme eux ou doivent penser comme eux. Perso, je me triture pas la tête quand je lis un manga, si je le fais c'est pour m'évader de la triste réalité. J'évite au max de me bourrer le crâne de futilités existentielles (mais en vérité ce que je juge futile ne l'est pas non plus pour les autres)... Une personne qui raisonne autant et qui cherche réponse à tout comme cette personne devrait pas être ici, à mon humble avis, de 1 c'est du gâchis._. De 2, il pourrait mettre à profit tout ça ailleurs dans un média plus intéressant et adéquat pour lui.

    Domosama January 10, 2025 8:53 pm
    I personally don't give a fk about the law or anything related, I distance myself from reality, I'm a dumb fujoshi waiting for 2 handsome men to make out, I maybe lack of empathy coz I don't care if ukes suffer... Shiki

    This is the reason why I like Shiki. You know how to separate reality from fiction,or fiction from reality. You're just enjoying everything here without any issues irl. Sometimes we forgot that we're here to enjoy,not to debate. Ily

    Shiki January 10, 2025 8:59 pm
    This is the reason why I like Shiki. You know how to separate reality from fiction,or fiction from reality. You're just enjoying everything here without any issues irl. Sometimes we forgot that we're here to en... Domosama

    (´༎ ʖ ༎ `)♡ It touches me. You're an angel. I feel like you can understand every human being !! Love youuu too!

    Domosama January 10, 2025 9:24 pm
    (´༎ ʖ ༎ `)♡ It touches me. You're an angel. I feel like you can understand every human being !! Love youuu too! Shiki

    I really mean it ╥﹏╥ (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ

    Akaito January 10, 2025 10:06 pm
    I personally don't give a fk about the law or anything related, I distance myself from reality, I'm a dumb fujoshi waiting for 2 handsome men to make out, I maybe lack of empathy coz I don't care if ukes suffer... Shiki

    I’d rather analyze and talk about other aspects of this webtoon, too—and in fact I have in some other threads and in topics I’ve made on my own. I’ve even praised aspects of it where I find it worth praising. Like I said from the very beginning, I felt and still feel the webtoon has wasted potential as a story, but if people enjoy it as is, they enjoy it, and that’s fine. It’s just that the one thing I cannot do is sit back and watch people get away with saying that rape is not rape when it’s rape. It’s not about condemning Jaekyung or whatever, or the people who like him, it’s about understanding his character and the story better and combating rape apologism. I may never have left a single comment on this webtoon if not for that last part.

    Anyway I’ve talked before about doing research on this exact topic. I’m not interested in writing a book about this in particular but I’ve done my fair share of presenting on it already. But yeah I’ll finish one of my own stories and publish it at some point. You can read what little fanfiction I’ve published if you’d like.

    Akaito January 10, 2025 10:12 pm
    Tu es de France, Shiki ?I think that whatever... each has their expectations and appreciation of a story. We can only share our view and hope to find some resonance with the other, but it's impossible to make o... MangaSanctuary

    I’m like this too. I was talking with a friend about this but I don’t think I’ve ever been a fan of stories where romance is the main thing that’s happening—I mean I’ll read and write my silly little porn without plots every now and then for sure but I love when a story and its characters are grounded in some good lore and worldbuilding, when the dynamics between characters are crunchy and messy and complex. And then they sort it out and they bang. Or maybe they don’t sort it out. As long as I feel like the story was told well—that the way the plot unfolded and the characters behaved made sense—then I can be satisfied with a story.

    Akaito January 10, 2025 10:17 pm
    I'm sorry for just replying now. Actually,I read your first 4 comments above and I agree with them. I don't want to give my personal understanding about consent because I don't want to give false information to... Domosama

    Not to be an American but if our culture is the only other culture operating from the “no means no” basis then I guess our culture is simply superior.

    Really though, Domosama, I would encourage you if you’re interested to look into South Korean gender politics and issues like this. Things like the Burning Sun scandal and Nth Room…sincerely if what you’re saying is true then like yeah it is an issue if the law doesn’t actually reflect a definition of rape/nonconsent that properly protects its people from harm.

    Akaito January 10, 2025 10:19 pm
    This is the reason why I like Shiki. You know how to separate reality from fiction,or fiction from reality. You're just enjoying everything here without any issues irl. Sometimes we forgot that we're here to en... Domosama

    What does separating fiction from reality actually mean to you guys? You keep saying it and at this point I’m having trouble understanding what you mean. Can I not analyze a story and its characters and draw parallels where I see them anymore? Are all stories just floating in some la la land untouched by the reality we all live in?

    Akaito January 10, 2025 10:35 pm
    What does separating fiction from reality actually mean to you guys? You keep saying it and at this point I’m having trouble understanding what you mean. Can I not analyze a story and its characters and draw ... Akaito

    I’m genuinely asking. It was to my understanding that what this meant was to not assume that an artist condones everything they put into their fiction in real life. Or that of course, what occurs in fiction shouldn’t always be mimicked in reality—and just because someone enjoys something in fiction doesn’t mean that they’re necessarily going to mimic it in reality. Or that obviously, a fictional character isn’t an actual real person who can actually harm or be harmed. I don’t see where in this definition it says you can’t feel real emotions about the fictional stories you’re reading. Or draw parallels between fiction and the reality you live in. Or to simply analyze what’s going on in the story and ask questions about why things happen the way they do, if they could’ve happened differently, why author may have made certain choices…

    So I’m really wondering what I’m doing wrong here from your perspective.

    That'sweird January 11, 2025 12:04 am
    I personally don't give a fk about the law or anything related, I distance myself from reality, I'm a dumb fujoshi waiting for 2 handsome men to make out, I maybe lack of empathy coz I don't care if ukes suffer... Shiki

    I totally agree with everything you have uttered!!! I LOVE THIS MANHWA SO MUCH AND I ALWAYS WILL NO MATTER WHAT HAPPEN.
    I am constantly impressed by your wonderful words every time!!! you make the little things feel so big here, I really appreciate you and your own opinion (ur opinion is like mine)!! ALL HAIL, KING

    Shiki January 11, 2025 7:32 am
    I’d rather analyze and talk about other aspects of this webtoon, too—and in fact I have in some other threads and in topics I’ve made on my own. I’ve even praised aspects of it where I find it worth pra... Akaito

    I didn't mean fanfiction but ok, tell me if you're interested in reading mine too (not a fanfiction but oc)

    Shiki January 11, 2025 7:33 am
    What does separating fiction from reality actually mean to you guys? You keep saying it and at this point I’m having trouble understanding what you mean. Can I not analyze a story and its characters and draw ... Akaito

    Look how he/she analyse every simple sentence, I'm done here. Have fun with each other guys (≡^∇^≡)/

    Shiki January 11, 2025 7:40 am
    I totally agree with everything you have uttered!!! I LOVE THIS MANHWA SO MUCH AND I ALWAYS WILL NO MATTER WHAT HAPPEN. I am constantly impressed by your wonderful words every time!!! you make the little things... That'sweird

    (◍•ᴗ•◍) thank you! I
    I use simple words and go straight to the point, the language barrier act as a significant hurdle during conversations ;0; and personally hate long and useless conversations-_-

    Domosama January 11, 2025 8:07 am
    Look how he/she analyse every simple sentence, I'm done here. Have fun with each other guys (≡^∇^≡)/ Shiki

    I think I have to go now too. I respect Akaito sm. He's the only critique whose long comments I read,same with Toonowoo( if iirc his name ).

    MangaSanctuary January 12, 2025 4:21 pm
    Bahaha I can’t blame you for that. I’m just a crazy person who is desensitized to this type of thing and also likes to be right, that’s why I could go back and reread and take notes. I did this kind of re... Akaito

    Sorry for the late reply, and thanks for understanding me.
    You're pretty invested in this one, aren't you? Lol. While I think that's a good thing to try to comprehend better others who have different opinions than yours, I also think we're not obligated to do it. Also, not everything is good or worth to be understood, like someone said once: "sometimes it's best to keep some doors closed" (to protect our psyché). A bit extreme as exemple: if someone says they like reading shota, I can question their tastes and argue a bit but I'm not gonna spend time to know why in the world it's a pleasing thing: I know deep down that I hate CP ; that now the genre is banned even by Japan etc...
    I think that everyone set their limits on different criterias, and surely things are more complicated when it comes to rape bc rape and SA are so prevalent and normalised in bl/yaoi, but don't feel obligated to understand the appeal of plots like this if you think that deep down it goes against your very values as human. What can we do when the other party's used to just completely shut their brain when in comes to fiction? Wouldn't it be a waste if time to even try? I'm mean there, but it's a genuine question.
    I know your intentions, though I'm telling you this bc I don't want you to feel like you're forcing yourself to understand somethinh that's painful or too foreign for your understanding.
    It's not about brainy capacities, but the psyché. I'd never wanted to be used to things I normally hate to the point they'd become normal to me.
    If people knew how invasive porn can be for the human psychism, and other kinds of contents, they'd may be more cautious.

    MangaSanctuary January 12, 2025 4:44 pm
    Bahaha I can’t blame you for that. I’m just a crazy person who is desensitized to this type of thing and also likes to be right, that’s why I could go back and reread and take notes. I did this kind of re... Akaito

    If we considerer that humans could never get rid of prostitution anyway, then certainly platforms like OF can be an alternative for women to gain more controle and freedom over their activity, but lately with cases like Lily Philipps and Bonnie Blue, many are asking for the ban simple and pure of OF.
    Vast question where we'll see also lots of pros and cons, and it's undeniable that with the reign of internet there are new kinds of pimps and extrem practices to gain exposure that will, again, question our choices as civilisation...

    MangaSanctuary January 12, 2025 5:16 pm
    Ah! Si tu parles français écris-moi en fr xD c'est une plaie l'anglais, je m'efforce mais c'est chiant, les mangas ça passe encore voire ça en vaut carrément la peine, mais de lire des pavé de fou furieux... Shiki

    Ha que je te comprends ! L'anglais n'étant pas mon fort, je fais l'effort pareillement mais avec l'impression d'être à la traîne car tu ne peux exprimer toutes tes pensées, et les faire avec les subtilités de l'anglais. Alors hésite pas non plus à me parler dans notre belle langue.
    Oui je vois que souvent tu ne perds pas de temps avec ces longues discussions, et je comprends bien tes attentes car chacun a sa façon de s'évader comme il le souhaite... C'est tout à fait justifié et tu as également raison. Pour ma part, j'aime bien ces longues analyses, car il n'y en a généralement pas bcp peu importe l'histoire, alors non seulement j'y participe quand je le peux mais j'avoue même les rechercher un peu. Lol.
    C'est peut être une intellectualisation dans la manière d'aborder l'histoire, mais je trouve la démarche intéressante et puis c'est l'occasion de réfléchir pleinement au scénario, et vivre l'histoire avec les autres... Partager nos goûts comme dégoûts, vision sur les choses et connaissances... Mais bien d'accord que ce n'est pas un exercice qui plaît à tous, comme ça prend en plus du temps et de l'énergie par ailleurs... C'est compréhensible de simplement se réjouir sans trop réfléchir.
    Perso, je préfère des commentaires argumentés comme ceux de Kaito par rapport à des coms haineux et simplement vulgaires, ressemblant à des spams, qui ne sont qu'abus envers des lecteurs qui n'ont rien demandé.
    On a l'impression qu'ils se vengent de leur sale journée en insultant Jjk, alors que c'est nous qui nous en prenons plein la gueule >.< C'est pas un saint, on a compris, mais c'est trop.

    MangaSanctuary January 12, 2025 5:51 pm
    I'm sorry for just replying now. Actually,I read your first 4 comments above and I agree with them. I don't want to give my personal understanding about consent because I don't want to give false information to... Domosama

    No worries at all, we have all our life and we can't be available at all time :)
    I'm glad you're agreeing with my 4 comments above. I think that whatever your def. of consent it can only better than mine. Tbh I just jumped into it without too much thinking, but it's good to discuss about the subject like that. Knowing that's consent and how to refuse is so important for us girls.
    Tbh we have the impression that the West in general is more advanced and progressive about this subject (consent, rape...), but in fact the way people live and how these problems are treated are not better. In France, for exemple, we have an issue about how slow is the Justice to treated such cases, how it takes years for criminals to be judged in courts or how some mentally sick individuals end up committing crimes bc the Law is too relaxed... We have more and more underage persons being involved in sexual trafficking and prostitution without efficient measures to counter this plague ; this can't be a sign of a successful society. Though I think it's more of a civilisational problem (shift) than a problem of which or which country...

    I think people who can speak like that are early teens and have no idea about what they're talking about.

    You're right, and why hate? As long as we can speak like that with our differences in opinion etc, in civilized manner, that's all we need :)

    Shiki January 12, 2025 9:30 pm
    Ha que je te comprends ! L'anglais n'étant pas mon fort, je fais l'effort pareillement mais avec l'impression d'être à la traîne car tu ne peux exprimer toutes tes pensées, et les faire avec les subtilité... MangaSanctuary

    Je ne sais pas comment ça se passe avec la communauté fr de Jinx, si ça se dispute en commentaire ou s'ils détestent Jjk aussi, pas trouvé de site fr qui est à jour avec les chapitres '-' du coup, je préfère les lire en anglais (au moins, je suis sûre de rien rater).
    C'est pas que je perds pas du temps avec de longues discussions, c'est juste que je veux pas perdre de temps avec ce type, je me suis déjà retrouver des heures et jours à parler avec (est-ce que ça en vaut la peine? De base je suis là pour jinx) et on se comprends pas, on a des avis différents et ça me saoule les gens qui étalent leur science et qui parle comme s'ils avaient raison. Je sais pas... C'est comme si t'étais assis à côté d'un mec à regarder DBZ et qui n'arrête pas d'interrompre en posant plein de questions sur le meurtre et les homicides qui s'y déroulent... C'est ridicule, on sait que c'est pour faire avancer l'histoire, c'est pas une oeuvre qui te pousse à réfléchir à ce genre de chose, faut changer de média si tu veux te poser des questions existentielles, c'est qu'ils arrivent pas pas à s'immerger. Ce type peut pas apprécier une fiction, il a horreur de l'inconnu, il laisse pas son esprit errer, comme tous les gens qui lachent un commentaire "fk u Jjk" qui a 40 like, ils devraient s'abstenir de lire des fictions, mon avis.

    Shiki January 12, 2025 9:31 pm
    Je ne sais pas comment ça se passe avec la communauté fr de Jinx, si ça se dispute en commentaire ou s'ils détestent Jjk aussi, pas trouvé de site fr qui est à jour avec les chapitres '-' du coup, je pr�... Shiki
