ok so hear me out bruh.......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
My definition of consent:
Basic consent: Mutual agreement between two parties, persons, to have intercourses. The agreement can be tacite, but in all cases the consent musn't be corrupted or influenced by motives such coercion or other reasons involved for one or both parties (use of violence, submission...). If these conditions aren't respected, then there's no consent.
If we enter in more details, consent depends on different parameters:
- the context, nature of relationships (marital, fwb or contractual relationships, other types...). Following the nature of relationships, the practices can change but the consent remains the same since it concerns the willingness of both parties/ # parties to the sexual practices and conditions.
In particular cases of monetary transactions involving sex (SW, prostitution...), in which basically consent is bought by money or advantages, there's risks for the individuals involved (client/s) to break accords or boundaries if there's any, and the issue occurs mainly due to the very nature of the transaction and difference in power dynamics of the parties implied. One buy the sexual services and the other have to satisfy their demands.
Even if there's consent in such context, this one can simply be broken by pushing the sw with more money/blackmail. It's difficult to determin reel consent or responsability in case of abuse, rape, even murder bc sw is very corruptible and often overlooked.
Hm okay, can I ask again what you think about the FRIES model I sent you first? Each part of it? Is there anything there that you agree or disagree with? I want to see if we can agree on a baseline definition before we proceed because if we can’t then, well, we’ll have to discuss our definitions first LMFAO personally I think FRIES is generally a good model/good definition of consent that applies across the board regardless of the type of relationship between people. I think it ensures that sex between people is always fully consensual and results in the least amount of potential harm being done to any party involved.
So I see your definition mostly covers the “freely given” aspect of consent outlined in FRIES and the issues that can come about when money and, thus, an unbalanced power dynamic can get involved, because you can basically coerce someone into doing something they don’t actually necessarily want to do because you can just offer them more money. I agree with you! I think that money and power dynamics in general tend to muddy consent and it’s best to try to avoid those things or make those interactions as safe as possible.
Oh I just saw this. I’m glad we can discuss this then. It’s definitely important to have your own internal sense of consent straight too, not only for yourself but for interacting with others. Whether it’s about sexual situations or not it’s good to know your own boundaries and when they’ve been crossed.
So I've read the FRIES model and I agree with everything that's written. It's well formulated, clear, complete and not too long to read.
There's nothing to add or suppress. Surely there's longer 'models' or essais on the subject, but if people could at least get access to this one it'll be good already. Everybody have their own view and definition of consent, but surely not to that extend, nor have the time, knowledges to do it.
Tbh many people still have limit awareness about consent, whether due to their upbringing, grooming or other reasons and knowing what is consent can veritably save someone from being exploited and abused.
I realize now that what I wrote is very basic and mostly based on the convo we had before, at least I said some pertinent points about sw. It's mostly thoughts based on observations, intuitive... though.
If I have a wish, I'd like for the FRIES model to maybe have a specific section consecrated to consent and sw ; that'll be interesting and helpful to see certainties and 'rules' existing regarding this risky activity.
I agree, I wish it was something taught more widely. At least here in the US, we have a huge issue with sexual education being incredibly bad in a lot of schools, if it’s even taught at all, and they don’t really cover the intricacies of consent and other things like that when discussing sex and relationships TT I only got my hands on this particular model in college myself, and it was only because I got on board for an internship specifically looking into sex ed. Things are very dire. But I’m glad that’s something we can agree on!!
In terms of things like sex work and the muddiness of consent there, I think that, it’s just like you said, consent generally becomes muddy as soon as money is involved. It’s not only an issue with sex work in particular, even—there are tons of jobs people are doing that they’d rather not do or wouldn’t do at all if not because they need the money. It’s just that it comes up the most with sex work and I think it’s for a variety of reasons…oh actually there is another model that sort of tries to address some of what you’re talking about https://www.idcprofessionals.com/blog/defining-consent-from-fries-to-crisp
Either way though, if we have a definition we agree on, we can then begin to discuss the sex Dan and Jaekyung have in terms of the model(s) and whether or not certain tenants are being violated.
Ah I guess one more thing I’ll ask before we get into it, do you think someone can or should be physically forced to work? For example, let’s say I’m working at a grocery store as a cashier, but one day I decide not to show up to work. Maybe I’m sick, maybe I decide I just don’t want to go in that day. Does/Should my boss then have the right to show up to my house and physically drag me to the store and force me to do cashier work?
It seems like the other thread got deleted (I can’t blame the author though), but I did want to talk with you about the issue of rape in this webtoon based on your comment there. I wanted to ask what your personal definition of consent was before we even start getting into legal definitions. Personally I operate off the FRIES model. Here’s a link explaining it: https://adc.d211.org/cms/lib/IL49000007/Centricity/Domain/328/What%20is%20Consent.pdf
Do you agree? Or disagree? Why or why not?