no fr, you’re right. i wanna know what happened to the blue-haired guy, also the green hair who was cooking w sho. in the second season, there were so many people from joon’s family and his friends and neighbours from korea, but we never got a proper explanation and it was so confusing who was with who?? and the thing w the guy that bullied joon in high school, what happened to him as well? and what about ryosuke and sho? i’ll have to say it was a very cute story and finishing it after seeing them all as one big family makes me feel sad, but there were a lot of plot holes and unanswered questions
Yk it was cute but so many things could’ve been added or js never added in the first place like the blue haired guy who liked the mc what happened to bro?? N lots of side characters that looked like they had potential but never showed up again? And I might b slow but some of these relationships btw the characters confused me like I kept forgetting who was dating who who was related n if smbdy was crushing on who