I mean, I get why it feels like that and it's mostly due to the fact that Caesar had an unconventional upbringing and therefore doesn't really know how to act in a normie way. And honestly, that gunplay scene from the battle royale section and Caesar slicing his throat actually helped me feel more like "oh yeah, they were meant for one another" than anything else that has happened so far in the extras.
I just feel like the artist has no one helping them direct this part of the series. Like, the person that helped them adapt the main story isn't involved or even a producer. They are basically just drawing whatever idea popped into their head at the time. It's kind of irritating as someone who actually enjoyed the main story contents.
Just in case I'm gonna put a spoiler warning.
The extras feels super nonsensical despite the fact that they keep driving home the fact that Leonid never fails to deliver on his hits so Lee-Won is very much close to dying. That being said, I know something'll happen to prevent him from meeting that end.
I just feel kinda disappointed that instead of just a simple epilogue ((like most extras)) we're getting something that feels very directionless. If it were chopped up into different events, like say we make one group of extras about Lee-Won coming out of the closet and another set about Dimitry putting a hit on Lee-Won it'd feel a lot more coherent.
I guess the point is for all of these events to take place at once to instill a feeling of "the chaotic life of a man dating the Russian mafia", but all it's doing is irritating me. And we still haven't even really heard these two talk about their feelings other than kinky gunplay and Caesar cutting his own throat open to keep Lee-Won from leaving. Like, I can't even recall if these two have even admitted outloud that they love each other, and if the intention was to have them finally say it in the extras all along I'm even more irritated. Extras aren't always guaranteed so something as vital as them finally saying "I love you" being left up to chance is just... idek how to describe the irritation I am feeling.
Especially since I loved the main story so much. It was good, and even tho there were a few things unresolved ((like why tf Caesar still keeps Dimitry around when they know he's actively tried to kill Lee-Won multiple times or has threatened him)) it ended on a pretty satisfying note aside from the lack of a verbal confession.
Idek. It's 3 am and I'm irritated that it's devolved so much during the extras.