I hate the father... let Yui become the legal daughter of Jiu and Kaisen

Sang January 9, 2025 12:47 am

I'm annoyed he said "Lets become a Real Family" proceeded to take a phone call ignoring her yet again what an asshole! Jiu and Kaisen do take their time for her and wait for her regarding her feelings and even if they don't understand her they give her the space for her to filter them out while here "father of the year" just pampers her thinking that if he does what she likes she will say yes to everything he said. Her true family is the one that not only treats her like a kid but the one that has given her space to be a kid and process things. Children are very prone to not understand their feelings because most of them are first times or don't have the vocabulary for it so they proceeded to express them in other ways and Jiu and Kaisen have been able to understand this and work around it.
