Exactly. Unfortunately, I feel that people don't have the emotional maturity to read a story like this and not be so affected. The purpose of a story is to make people feel emotions, various emotions, and then at the end express what you felt, didn't you like it? did you find it too slow? too mature? too empty? didn't you like the development of the characters? super valid! But there are those who liked the story for the drama, and that doesn't say anything about anyone's character, I see a difficulty in people separating this, which is being reflected even in the author and even in the char designer Vanji.... UNFORTUNATELY.
This ain’t for the good and kind-hearted new readers. HOWEVER if you’re an avid reader of manga, manhwa, and light novels (and I mean REALLY deep readers with genres like this) this is a honestly a good read. Look, as a reader I’ve encountered both wholesome and toxic reads. It’s inevitable to encounter reads that are against your morals and even those that make you question the author’s creativity (or insanity). It’s somehow a culture to most fictional romantic stories to include toxicity, have you ever wondered why stories like these get so popular? yeah news flash it ain’t a surprise that people are messed up. Plus this concept isn’t exactly new, there are hundreds or possibly thousands out there (even back at wattpad). It’s just something that isn’t erasable and will continue to exist.
(with spoiler)
However this one stands out to me because of how the author actually wrote the character development, particularly Matthias. At first, he didn’t even seem human to me to ever do such things to a woman. But at the end I found it amazing how a character that started out so evil could change that much (yeah I actually judge after reading the entire story). I applauded how the author was able to evoke such emotions and giving us a perspective why & how Matthias as a character thinks, from his upbringing and then the changes after his love interest.
That doesn’t mean accepting what he did was okay nor even saying you should like Matthias *sigh (it pmo how some ppl read only to find a bias or a character for them to attach with) it was to be able to see and understand a written character of err and its development throughout the story. That’s just simply it, nothing about that means apologizing or forgeting his wrongful acts.
It’s you’re right to have an opinion to a character, that’s normal. But one thing I learned after reading is to finish the whole story and why it was written so before judging. You’re ultimately responsible for what you’re reading. Nobody is forcing you to accept the happenings in it just because others do. Plus it’s soo childlish to come against people who liked reading this saying they are grape apologists and all that. Having a different opinion doesn’t mean you should attack them for not agreeing with what you don’t like about a story, are you a kid? You can simply say you don’t like it or won’t recommend it for certain reasons. Unless you’re a child, an adult can handle this babe, don’t go around assuming they can’t form their opinions and how to take a story. Don’t rob them of the opportunity to do so as well because this is actually written for adults.
Read with discretion ya’ll and enjoy reading!