Certainly is a problem, the thing is, his lack of confidence is due the enviroment he lives, always being put down by his dad and sibling and negatively compared to others, can cause someone to have very low self steem, and with that no streingth to stand out. :c its a guy who need a hug and someone to tell him that everything will be fine (maybe not be raped? xD)

yes, the environment he grew up in was not good for the development of a child's self-esteem and confidence. being consistently compare to someone, especially one's brother can be damaging but he did have someone that comforted him when he was younger and there has to be a time where one has to take control and improve their own self-esteem. If there isn't a way to overcome the damages one suffer in childhood then therapy would be pointless. what i didn't understand is why he went to work for his father's company where it was guarantee that he would continue to be compare to his brother plus that kind of high pressure environment doesn't really suit his personality. one has to find what works best for them, not everyone is meant for the high pressured and competitive life. I am not saying his father's negligence and his younger brother forcing himself on him was right- it was wrong. what i am saying his that his work environment (high pressured) doesn't fit him and he should have taken control of his life and done something about his low self-esteem a long time ago so that whatever people say didn't effect him so much. there will always be hater and people will always have shit to say but taking it too seriously, constantly comparing himself to others and being so hard on oneself, thinking he is worthless instead of removing himself from that kind of environment and finding what is best for him will land him in an early grave.

Maybe, just like he always say, his timing was wrong xD and end up deciding for the company under a wrong mental state, instead of choosing something that has a healthier enviroment for him (i do agree with you tho, i just think that maybe not everyone realise they do have control over their decisions). Hopefully in the nexts chaps he will grow a bit more and choose what he thinks is right.
Everyone needs to stop being a bitch to taka like really he tries so hard but people keep putting him down (╬ ̄皿 ̄)凸 ヽ(`Д´)ノ