I find it absolutely appalling when characters go after the ex-partners of their SIBLINGS....

Irene January 8, 2025 7:37 am

I find it absolutely appalling when characters go after the ex-partners of their SIBLINGS. That's so fucking weird, lmfao. I also don't feel like Louis actually likes Theo. Theo seriously feels like a rebound. It doesn't help that he is completely inexperienced and Louis is his first partner.

Nick being so omnipresent was annoying. I get that everything started because of Nick. I would like another volume exploring their relationship completely separate to Nick in the narrative.

He was abused his whole life and didn't experience maturity the same way most people do. The way Theo was getting compared to Nick by Louis constantly was so uncomfy. I wish Theo got some character development separate to Louis. He was just getting rag dolled by all these adults in his life.

Nick is a SCUM. Sure he was raised like that by his father but that doesn't give him the right to treat his younger brother like shit. Being abused doesn't justify abuse #sorrynotsorry.

    anonymous_me February 16, 2025 7:46 pm

    I would find it weird if the siblings had a normal relationship, but this case is quite special, they are too distant.

    Still not amazing in real life, but it’s not the worst in fiction lol