I mean giving the that I feel like something is simmer under the surface when it comes Heonjae nothing is going to change my mind about that. This man is going to go beyond manic when myung-il lets him know he doesn’t want to live with him. You think that isn’t going to send him over the edge. And if I had to put two and two together he kidnapped his coach that he “loved” and did unspeakable things to so I believe it will be 10x worse for myung-il. As for Jingi yes he is fucked up and does fucked up shit but to be honest that is prison life idk if you ever watched prison show that are gritty and dirty (Oz is great example) you would understand. Jingi is nothing like his brother if a profiler was to take a look at Heonjae he would probably be label as high risk for becoming a serial killer or something along those lines. But I really don’t care how you take this but Jingi is still better than his bother.
I think that Jingi is or was trafficked by the uncle because something ain’t right and I think Heonjae in future chapter is going to be an EXTREME problem! Everyone thinks it’s Jingi when it’s that younger brother!