It’s not being naive. If the author doesn’t like it they’ll speak up about it. I’m not trying to be rude but there’s no need to play savior. If the author doesn’t want the readers to assume they’re a man, they wouldn’t draw themself as one, that would be stupid, especially since a lot of authors out there draw themselves as potatoes or blobs when they don’t want to “expose their identity” or something like that ifykwim

well i didnt know they drew bls. i think they're a woman cuz of artstyle. male authors when they draw men, it's different from the typical yaoi artstyle from female authors, and this story fits the latter. and regarding the content of the story, if they were a male, i simply do not think they would write a originally wholesome story with weird homoerotic tones with the son and father that's obviously pandering to a certain degenerate demographic. i have read queer books by male authors and a gay commenter mention to me how much pedophilia have hurt him, so unless the author is tone deaf to the struggles of their own gender, they wouldnt have added that weirdness. for example, think of the differences of the BL and GL story written by the author of sadisitic beauty, who is a woman. oh, and i really dont care what u call the author by. i just think it's naive, like if u assume a player is female just bc they have a female avatar in a video game

I get your point, but there’s actually a big difference between an OC and a persona! An OC would be papa wolf or the underlings. A persona is what the author uses to portray themselves like they often do in author’s notes. A person is used to give the readers an idea of who the author is, and choosing a gender rather than an object or animal is a way for them to allow their readers to make assumptions. Even if the author isn’t a man, them choosing their persona and making it a man allows the readers to make that assumptions as it quite literally is the logical thing to do. Other authors (like DJun, uses a cute character as persona without it being human. We know the author is a woman because of their Weibo (if i remember correctly) but to avoid making any assumption on their physic or gender, they chose, like many other manhua artists to use a non-human character as their persona. Idk if i explained that correctly but hope it makes sense

The reason why people are calling you out a out it is because there IS an avatar. I understand why you would assume it was a woman at first, I did too, since it’s true that most bl manhua artists are women (even this one isn’t bl, the author does post bl on their weibo i think) but the author showing their persona as a man and still assuming they’re a woman is why people don’t agree with you. I mean yea, they could be a woman and just likes using a man persona, but it wouldn’t make sense to be bothered if they’re assumed to be a man because of it, and it wouldn’t make sm sense to assume they’re a woman despite the persona, ykwim?

Also quick addition, but the homoerotic tones in some chapters aren’t related to the main story line. The author received a lot of criticism and the likes on their socials bc the story isn’t bl, so the few chapters with the bl vibes are to cater to one portion of their fans who seem angry that the story is only a cute father-son slice of life. Basically, it’s like a completely different story (except the characters looks the same which is also why i dislike it). I’ve also read a few bls novels/manhua with male authors but the difference didn’t really have anything to do with the art or the wholesomeness of the story.
are people so naive? just bc their avatar is a guy doesnt mean the author themselves is a guy. did they even confirm their gender?