Please, Yui's dad is not a bad person; he just went to work to make a home possible. It's something many immigrants have to go through. That's why the characters in this story are so endearing. Personally, I know of a case just like Yui's dad, and that person is working up to 14 hours to give their family in another country a better quality of life and, one day, be able to bring them over and be together again.

And that’s understandable, but he should have been the adult here and done better by Yui, his child. He WAS selfish putting that on her out of nowhere when he’s basically a figment, a daydream come to life to her, emotionally speaking. I don’t blame him for what he did or him wanting to have her in his home. Of course not. But he doesn’t get to turn around and expect no emotional work to be done with her to get there. That’s what I have issues with. Children are people, not property. You can’t make them feel or do what you want when you want. Or you shouldn’t be able to, in my opinion.

You're right, very right, but as human beings, there are circumstances that overwhelm us. Not everything revolves around emotional security. Umm maybe if we lived in a fair and perfect world, it would be a different story, but this is the real world hard, cruel, and sometimes you just do what you can. It's a really complicated situation.
I feel a bit sorry because, according to the manga, the father has been slowly integrating himself into the girl's life slowly. That's tough too, knowing there are some people abandon their offspring as if they were objects

But Yui's father never sent money to Jiu to help pay for the things he needed for her while raising her? There's a huge difference between going to another country and sending money back when you can to support your family and completely ghosting your child and giving up guardianship to another person to raise your kid.
I come from a loooooong history of single parent household that had 5 kids growing up. My mom made it work without completely abandoning us even tho there were probably many times she wanted to.
Not to mention I've worked for Chinese immigrants who started up their own business here in the states to help provide for their family. Before they even got the business tho they were sending money to their wife, kids and parents back in China.
I'm not saying he's absolute scum, but you can't deny that he basically abandoned Yui in Jiu's care in pursuit of his dream to open a restaurant of all things. It'd be one thing if he made consistent efforts like sending back a lil money for child support, or, at the very least, showed up to his own wife's funeral to be there for his toddler child. And the fact that he wasn't present for that leads the reader to believe he was long gone before she even died. For all we know the stress of raising and caring for Yui by herself could have been the reason why she died in the first place.
He's not a good parent. Period.
Oh look, a selfish biological investor acting like a selfish arse instead of a parent. Prick. Watch you act the victim next chapter…