Though this new rice cake with a scar seem more... reliable? than our current rice cake. Nonetheless both are cute and we would never forsake our rice cake just because a new one popped up!
Our rice cake seem more like a tteokbokki. His hot bouncy bubbly personality has spice and you can immediately see it in his gait like a red hot flaming tteokbokki is spicy red at first glance
This new rice cake with a scar seem more like mochi? A cool calm collected air about him reminiscent of a round cold mochi with ice cream filling
Though this new rice cake with a scar seem more... reliable? than our current rice cake. Nonetheless both are cute and we would never forsake our rice cake just because a new one popped up!
Our rice cake seem more like a tteokbokki. His hot bouncy bubbly personality has spice and you can immediately see it in his gait like a red hot flaming tteokbokki is spicy red at first glance
This new rice cake with a scar seem more like mochi? A cool calm collected air about him reminiscent of a round cold mochi with ice cream filling