this story isn’t pretending to be a basic bitch good moral kind of story, so you’re correct in what you say about amane, but calling yanagi an “infatuated friend” is crazy when he’s just as troubled as the rest of the characters like are we just forgetting the times that rindo gets wildly uncomfy bc of yanagi??
recognizing that yanagi’s wife is the problem trigger in this arc while still thinking that yanagi’s annoying are things that can coexist.
i think it’s insane that people are trying to water down this amazing story and the characters.

I definitely am not trying to water them down because they are both incredibly mentally disordered, I just couldn’t find a better term for it. You can’t say he isn’t a friend because that’s exactly what Rindo is treating him as. They are literally on vacation as a FRIEND group. He’s clearly comfortable enough to be alone at certain points with him, not discounting certain times he’s also UNCOMFORTABLE, but I feel like we all also have people in our lives that we wax and wane like that with. Rindos acceptance of both of them changes nothing that either did, but Yanagi didn’t rape anyone and technically didn’t even hurt Rindo so. Man just had a crush, mental illness and serious boundary issues.

yes girl my problem isn’t with calling him a friend cause he def is. rindo himself wants to be friends with him despite not being fully comfortable with him, my point was about the “infatuated” term bc yanagi’s more obsessed/crazy than he is infatuated.
i still don’t think he’s any better than amane, and omg i just reread it like rn and yup yanagi’s def just as insane: stalked rindo (bugged his house), tased and kidnapped him, sexually assaulted him, and was about to tattoo him against rindo’s will, and also technically has been cheating on his wife (yes ik it’s most likely an arranged marriage or sth but still marriage)
rindo’s equally as crazy for forgiving any of the ppl he’s been with tbh but that’s why we love all of them

Low-key I just wanna see Yanagi leave Rindo be, like waiting till he’s available is icky and sad, what’s more special than self love imo. I need him to end it with his wife (honestly don’t remember much about this, why hasn’t he left her, etc), and find a guy that’ll love him back.
It’s sad to be crushing on a taken person. It’s fine to have a crush, as long as you don’t act on it.
Ngl I have made some thirsty ass noncanon plots about Yanagi and another new guy. . I don’t even care for the main couple anymore, I just want to see his side stories if possible. I’m hoping?
Yall need to leave Yanagi alone fr. Chapter after chapter he’s proving that he’s waiting until Rindo is available and it’s his crazy wife pulling weird shit but yall can’t stop blaming him for breathing in his direction. Did yall forget Amane started this whole relationship yall fight to protect by raping and stalking Rindo??