He was just pretending to be experienced as he thought Sihyun (seme) is also experienced. He thought what happened to them is a one-time thing only so he was trying to act chill, while also subtly threatening Sihyun (with the knowledge of his masochistic tendency) so it won't affect their work. It's in the novel. I didn't read the whole thing but skimmed a little. I don't have the link but it should be at the comment section.

He was, but that’s because the Uke/Jaehyun(?) believes the Seme/Sihyun only wants to try sleeping with him because he’s a “slut”. It’s a bit clearer in the novel.
Uke: thinks that the seme thinks he’s a slut, and that the Seme wants to try sleeping with someone experienced, so the Uke plays into that/he plays up the slut image bc he finds the seme really attractive. Though, in the beginning the Ukrainian was doing the exact opposite (trying to hide his attraction to the seme + hiding the fact that he’s gay) because he didn’t want to be unprofessional, he didn’t know the Seme also likes guys + uke thought a straight man would hate him or be disgusted with him for it + uke is a virgin scaredy cat who’s never confessed attraction to another man before (except the time he drunkenly kissed the Seme when they were in the military together- but he doesn’t remember that cause he was blasted off his ass apparently). The Uke only gave up trying to hide it when the Seme, who’s bluffing, says “I know you think about getting fucked”, so the Uke gets depressed about the Seme “finding out” his(Uke’s) attraction to him, and is soon like “fuck it, if he thinks that, I can pretend to be a slut if he likes, so I can finally relieve my surpressed attraction to Sihyun”/be free from his sexual repression.
Seme: is an idiot. When they were in the military together when they were younger, the Seme actually knew that the Uke/older guy didn’t mean it whenever he(uke) shouted at him(Seme) and punished him (the uke took on the role of being a bully/mean senior because some other higher ranking fuckwad was jealous of the Seme and thus hated him, so if the Uke stepped in and scolded the Seme before Fuckwad could do it, the Seme would be spared from a worse punishment/worse scolding - basically Uke = tough exterior, soft interior.)
But the seme never let on that he knew, and so at the end of their military service the Uke assumed that the Seme must hate him. Uke trys to be nice to Seme for once since Fuckwad isn’t around to witness it, so they go drinking together. Drunk Uke confesses that he has the hots for the Seme. Seem is mad that Ukrainian stole his first kiss and punches him out of shock (though I think he still liked the , I’m not sure….) Uke is drunk AF and chokes the Seme in retaliation for being punched, but is also saying something like “I think you’re really cute” or something to that effect.
Basically both bozos think the other is eye candy, and the Seme’s first kiss is with an attractive military senior/hyung who then immediately chokes him out, and this formative experience causes the Seme to develop a submission/choking kink. Fast forward to the future, Seme is Uke’s boss(kinda)/client, Uke forgot that they kissed but remembers being an “asshole” to the Seme during their military past and is cringing/dying/feels bad and the Seme never says anything about their kiss (Seme misunderstands & thinks the Uke remembers but wants to pretend it never happened/Uke was playing around, in reality the Uke just forgot).
To deepen the misunderstanding, the Uke and Seme are talking about business or something and the Seme says something like “you really try to keep your seniors and clients happy”/“you’re a real smooth talker”/“you really know how to please your superiors” - I don’t really remember the exact wording, but it was a similar vibe. Uke is like “yeah, it’s tiring but I’m just trying to keep my job/do a good job/keep everyone happy, you have to socialize positively at work sometimes to keep things going smoothly”
AND SO, the Uke mentions that he goes golfing sometimes with his boss &/or clients, and the Seme, being an immense idiot, takes that to mean that the Uke(his crush) - who’s taken already (he wears a ring to avoid gaydar suspicion) - sleeps around with clients, etc. to get deals & do business ( hence Uke = cheater + slut). Even though the Uke literally explicitly uses the word golfing

Oh sorry, my phD thesis on their bullshit got cut off, I guess I went over the comment word count limit. Here’s the rest of the explanation:
AND SO, the Uke mentions that he goes golfing sometimes with his boss &/or clients, and the Seme, being an immense idiot, takes that to mean that the Uke(his crush) - who’s taken already (he wears a ring to avoid gaydar suspicion) - sleeps around with clients, etc. to get deals & do business ( hence Uke = cheater + slut). Even though the Uke literally explicitly uses the word golfing

Jesus, idk why it keeps cutting off:
Even though the Uke literally explicitly uses the word golfing. And that is how we arrive at the point where the Seme thinks the Uke = Manwhore.
But there’s a problem: the Seme is still crushing on the Uke and still wants to smash, so even though he doesn’t like that the Uke is “with somebody else” and “sleeps with other men” - other than himself(Seme) - (he’s not, the Seme thinks so bc of the ring + the golfing convo), the Seme lies about being interested in seeing the Uke’s supposed bedroom skills/experience. Sihyun tries to pull an Ariana Grande and is like “well if you’re already sleeping around on your partner, why can’t you just sleep with me too, you must be wicked skilled.”
BUT BEING STUPID YET AGAIN- the Seme never explicitly says that he wants the Uke to have SEX with him. He uses roundabout wording, and so the Uke just thinks that Sihyun/Seme wants *Something* from him, and being his client, the Uke is like “yeah, yeah absolutely, whatever you want Sir. Anything for you Sir.”
But the Uke later panics a bit cause he’s not sure if he can even fulfill his promise to the Seme cause he’s not even sure what Sihyun wants from him. So every time he meets up with the Seme, and the Seme is like, “So… when…are you gonna…you know…gimme what I want?” the Uke bluffs and is like “oh haha, now’s no good maybe at the end of the shoot cause I’m just, you know, I’m soooooo busy hahahaha..ha…ha.” (Uke is trying to buy more time to figure out what the hell the Seme wants from him/what did he agree to, because Seme is being vague AF).
One day the Seme gets tired of waiting AND he’s on edge bc he’s jealous seeing the Uke’s interactions with Min Jinyoung/Handsome Actor Dude (he thinks the Uke is going to Actor’s hotel room for a one night stand) - so the Seme blurts out “look at you dying to get fucked you classless horny animal”which devastates the Uke.
The Uke thinks that the Seme says this because he found out that the Uke has been having wet dreams about him/Seme, and the Seme, still straight in the Uke’s mind, is angry and grossed out at Uke crushing on him. But the Seme doesn’t know that Uke has wet dreams about him/Seme, he actually says it out of jealousy.
AT THIS POINT, Seme thinks the Uke has already agreed to sleep with him and has openly admitted to being a slut/Seme thinks they’re already waaay past that line. Meanwhile, Uke has no fucking clue and thinks Seme just discovered his(uke’s) attraction to him. Anyway, a few things happen here and there and Uke finally realizes the Seme is tryna smash, but the Seme (not wanting to look desperate and say he has a crush on the Uke who’s taken/doesn’t take love seriously cause he’s a player/sleeps around) lies and says it’s because he wants to try having sex with someone experienced/slutty, so the Uke (a virgin, secretly single, not actually a player, just golfs and doesn’t actually sleep around, is sexually frustrated, also desperately wants the Seme to fuck him) pretends to be a slut so that he has a chance at being with the Seme

This is AMAZING, thank you! The fact that they're both virgins did not click for me as I was reading the manhwa. Especially, I thought the ML loved sex because he has his tongue pierced. After reading your spoilers, I remembered that I also had my tongue pierced for years and was also a virgin for all those years that it was pierced.... So I cannot judge him like that. Lesson learned.
If you have more you can share, please do !!
wait so the bottom never had sex before? didn't he already do it with people??? or did he mean that he's never bottomed before?