In the following chapters he will be officially named a knight and his first "presentation" as such will make him cross paths with the Moon Knight he pursues so much, although I suppose that said event will be something from the following season, ending this one with his appointment and with Mircea Dragulia informing his father about Vlad's existence.

If I remember well, so during the whole main story the romance is not prominent at all. It's really about how he grows,the action etc...
It's at the end of story, when he reached his "goal". His prime that it talks about what he's gonna do next.
Basically, he sees a sort of vision something like, of a child, mixed with red. And think of his red hair girl friend or she appears in front of him.
So indirectly, it imply that she is the love heroine. They're gonna have a child together.

It wasn't for fun, he used his children as "food", he was considered a womanizer but the reality is that he did it to have as many children as possible to be able to use them later, the stronger they became the better, that's what happened with one of Vlad's brothers whom he kept in an underground prison and kept barely alive so he could absorb his power, Vlad even tells him at one point that he only wants them so he can "devour" them later...
Can someone spoil me about this?