I don't know about others but for me my personality won't let me flinch from him in that situation cos it sends the wrong message that she's scared of him. She should be sticking to him like glue and pampering him to make him aware she still loves him REGARDLESS of wat she witnessed. Sometimes the strongest ones are the most fragile ones. She's literally his EVERYTHING at the moment so imagine how he's feeling right now. Fk Seah, I'm worried about ma boy even though he's fictional

Exactlyy, the shock + guilt and fear would make Se-ah want to avoid her uncle. She's probably afraid that
1 she made her uncle commit murder
2 shocked that her uncle did it effortlessly
3 afraid that her uncle might be upset at her for making him commit murder - since she was the cause of such a gruesome act
4 witnessing a murder is a mind changing event - seeing her uncle constantly reminds her of that traumatic event - associated memories and feeling of discomfort arises uncontrollably
5 doubt whether it's her fault that the other girl was killed - her brain is working in overdrive to rationalise the event - justifying it and at the same time feel disgusted that she's justifying it in her head- severe conflict of morality will mess people up and lead to depression
Damn y’all lack empathy real bad. She’s a high schooler who witnessed her uncle commit murder to save her. She doesn’t feel bad about him protecting her she feels bad that he had to get his hands dirty to save her. She’s basically blaming herself not him.