that shit of a ML doesn't like him at all. He is just using him so that they can open the gate to retrive someone important. The arrogant ML will slowly start liking the MC but there will be a lot of misunderstanding all because of tbe shit head ML's personality. By the time he realizes he likes/ loves(whatever, this ML is on the top 10 hated ML for me) MC grows a backbone and leaves him. Then comes the wife chasing crematorium but the MC has learnt his lesson and wants to stay away. A lot of things happen and at the end they are together, the worst kind of happy ending. fk ML

ahhh another spoiler
It's the ML's brother(he is a guide) who is dead and left inside a gate. He is lover of another guy, I forgot his name but he is in the guild. The guild basically exists for the sole purpose of retriving the body of ML's brother and all of them are using MC because be is strong. This also kind resulted in a misunderstanding and MC left but anyway ML is a shithead, shit eater!
bdw, try to read the guilds name backwards....thats the name of ML's brother!
so does the ml like him or not