Spoiler fairy where art thou

sora January 6, 2025 11:42 pm

I want major spoilers. What happens in the novel? Do they prevent the apocalypse? Will J and Sayoung do the boomshakalaka?

    Sadgirlie January 7, 2025 12:19 am


    No this is slowburn, I don’t remember any action between them, but i read it a while ago, and if they did it wasn’t explicit.

    In sumary mc saved the ml when he was a kid, but he dissapeared and the hospital couldn’t continue with the treatment, so this mad woman (i think it was a woman) took him to the i dont remember the name cult and they did experiments on him until he woke up.

    So this is the third timeline, the mc had a clock that could reverse time or something similar.
    In the first timeline ml died and mc couldn’t stand it so he reversed time. In the second timeline mc died, so ml tried to reverse time with the clock but it was only of one use, so he took it with the guy that lived secluded i dont remember the name, the one who wanted the gem, and he made it work, but it was kinda defective, leading to the creation of the breach where the mc was trapped in the third timeline that i think was the remanent of the second timeline.
    A lot happens, but in summary the cult becomes really popular and they make the appocalypse happen faster by making people think about it (yes idk either) so the group was demonizing hunters and running experiments on them with weird drugs.
    Mc learns a little before the begging of the apocalypse that ml was that child and the become way closer, i dont remmember the details.

    I left it at the part where the mc infiltrated in the cult with the girl with glasses, but the dumbass girl trusts them and takes the drugs, and then ml got to the place. Mc talked with the man in charge and he was like “i’m not bad even thought i drug and run experiments on children” and mc was like, ok lets communicate with the old lady in charge of the hunters, then he leaves with ml and the girl is like “im gonna stay here” and mc and ml leave without her, like what, why would they leave her there, it made so little sense and made me so mad that i stopped reading, maybe i will read the whole manga instead.

    Sorry if i wasn’t really clear, i read the novel months ago and english isn’t my first language. This novel was really conforting to me at a time I was really depressed, but it stressed me so much i couldn’t keep going, it is really complicated but an intersting read, if anyone is intersted you can find it in Novel Updates

    sora January 8, 2025 6:28 am
    SpoilersssNo this is slowburn, I don’t remember any action between them, but i read it a while ago, and if they did it wasn’t explicit.In sumary mc saved the ml when he was a kid, but he dissapeared and the... Sadgirlie

    thank yew