If anyone’s nosy:
What the fuck are you guys really talking about??? How can it be so damn hard to talk straight when you've already had sex... so-!
First of all, take that damn fake wedding ring off your finger and explain that you're not engaged/in a relationship. Then honestly tell me that this was your first time, so you can get over this.
And then to the other guy: Are you fucking talking in code and wallowing in self-pity, like the other guy didn't realize you meant sex when you said "let's do it". Could you stop assuming everything is stupid all the time?
Get together, damn it!!!
PS: if any Finns see this and need friends who are also reading this shit, send me a message
Okay that's a pretty good translation, tho missing some nuances cause yk google translate lol. Here's a more thorough translation after cooling down XD:
What actual fuck again, you guys??? How can it be so damn hard to talk honestly about things when you've already had sex even... like-!
First of all, you could take that damn fake engagement ring off your finger and explain you're not engaged/in a relationship. Then tell him honestly that this was your first time, so you can move forward.
And then to the other idiot: The fuck you talking in code for and wallowing in self-pity, like that other guy didn't even realize you meant sex when you were saying "let's do it". Could you also stop assuming stupid things all the time?
Get your shit together damn it!!!
PS: if any Finns see this I need friends who also read this shit, message me
So many feelings I can't express them in English, I have to use my native language:
Mitä vittua äijät nyt taas ihan oikeesti??? Miten voi olla niin saatanan vaikeeta puhuu asioista suoraan, ku ootte menny panemaanki jo... siis-!
Ihan ensiksi ota vaikka se helvetin feikki vihkisormus pois sun sormesta ja selitä ettet oo kihloissa/parisuhteessa. Sitten ihan rehellisesti kerrot että tää oli sun eka kerta nii päästä yli tästä.
Ja sitten toiselle tollolle kans: Vittuako sä puhut koodikielellä ja vellot itsesäälissä, niinku ei toi toinen ees tajunnu et sä meinaat seksiä ku sanoit "tehään se". Voisitko kans olla olettamatta kaikkee tyhmää koko ajan?
Ryhistäytykää perkele!!!
PS: jos joku suomalainen näkee tän nii tartten kavereita jotka kans lukee tätä paskaa, laittakaa viestii