I love your number 4 because recently I received a comment like that ahehahehsjshjas and people generally think like that, yep.
If you are not married, you're trash nobody liked. If you do not have a kid and you're around 30, how you dare...
And there is a long list.
I kinda felt well knowing that there are some people that do not think like that, but I have received those comments from both men and women.
It somehow feels nice to read this manga, because she's like trying to open up herself in a very closed corean society, and somehow it makes us oldies to feel a bit better hahehhaha

I have been on the internet a lot and worked with the public this is bullshit. They want women to believe that cause it is lucrative.
1. They want women to have children, so they have to push them to do that and feel that they have to do it as fast as possible. Because children = work mass.
2. They NEED women to feel bad about their appearance and that they are "old" cause it moves the cosmetic and plastic surgery industry very well. Women insecurities is what holds it.
3. Men need women to feel insecure or else they will raise their standards and see their exploitation (this I learned when I was lurking on incel/ red pill forums). They NEED women to be "humbled" . When in reality women will get attention no matter what if they put themselves out there, be online or irl.
4. If women are "dead" or "hit the wall" at 30 what is the female peak ? (Spoiler: the fbi does not like the answer).
This manhwa surprised me, it is more than romance it can be seem as a critical view of marriage and how society (specially Asia) see women. I am loving it.
Remember ladies you are worth much more than they want you all to see.

Oh now I can see your answe, sorry xD
Thing is that some women in history tried to get some more rights over this things and I am still receiving the same comments my mother or my grandma could have received, but I must say it is less often...
Asian culture is something that gives me the creeps in some aspects. I love their respect for some topics but I am always amazed at how easily they go through surgery for not necessary (not medical) fixes (face, boobs, hips, butt). The results are... Dolls?
I think wrinkles and natural beauty, unless it makes you feel bad about yourself to the point of deep depression, are some things that must be appreciated .
Let's remember how thick girls were the hottest topic years ago because that was the beauty standar (though it was for getting pregnant purposes).

The thing is misoginy in Korea is wild, like not even exaggerating. You go on forums and see what Korean men talk about women and you get HORRIFIED. And it gets even worse if you are out of their crazy beauty standards. You go on XIAOHONGSHU, the Chinese tik tok and owa, women are removing their ribs and doctors will say "no, it is okay to remove your floating ribs they have no purpose"
Yeah, the thing with beauty standards is that they have to constantly change to produce money. You say to women "having big butt's is the best" so they put implants, then you say "Being skinny is the best" then they go there and reduce it and it goes on and on.

Now I understand how some Asian girls look like total strange aliens because of their surgeries.
About the comments in Korean/Chinese places, I am not surprised at all. their own webtoons transmit this a lot.
I am quite sensitive when there are topics such as hitting people "for no reason", and I noticed I rejected to read some Chinese webtoons for that reason. They ways of making fun of the misery of others and hitting women and after that this is the male protagonist so you must love him... it is not my cup of tea.
It is really a cultural gap, but it is quite sad that we are trying to get out of that "beauty control" that society makes us do and they are following it the hardest way.
I suppose we are trying to impose our way of thinking , morals and values, over theirs. Maybe thats the good life they think of, while ours is quite different.

Nah, it is not imposing our morals, because hitting and treating women like properties is not culture. Even here in USA or Europe it happens, it is just patriarchy. It is like people saying that child marriage in India is culture (it is not ) it is a crime. Asia has such a beautiful culture and costumes and treating women like that is not one, part of it comes from western countries colonization on us. Just like what happened to Iran (and other middle east ) Women treatment after the invasion the USA did there.
Ugh yeah weebtons comment sections when the protagonist hits a girl is crazy. Like they go overboard of happiness. Like you are not simply happy because the protagonist hit a villainess or defended himself (what is okay, cause it is self defense), you are this happy because you got to see a woman being hit.

I do not agree with you about the "cultural" approach since we both agree that hitting somebody/marrying children from a young age/etc it is not acceptable and it has improved and has a long history for us but not every country has developed these laws so they have become part of their "culture". I am not saying I agree with that, speaking of culture when you hit somebody (men or women) for me is violence and you cannot cover it with nice words.
What I want to say is that they speak about it from the "cultural" point of view but in our countries that's more "jail" type things xD
I do not share the same happiness they share, as you can guess, but I understand that some people could love those kind of things so I respect that, but I will not read it.
Same as, nowadays, super sweet shoujo stories with shinies and damsels in distress do not appeal me anymore. I expect a bit of depth in a character (I think it is because I am old and fed up with some kind of stories xDDD).
I must say, before continuing with our conversation, thank you kindly for this discussion, you answered properly and have been very kind. It is always a pleasure to find different opinions and I learnt some new stuff with you :)

Oh sorry then, I did assume you were from USA or Europe, that's something Europeans or Americans always do xD my most sincere apologies:)
I think that the "cultural" part is something that people from European/american countries try to use as a way of "protecting" people from other countries against racism.
I tend to separate culture from human rights. There are punishable actions but it is something that needs more time in some parts of the world.
You are not the first person I have met from middle east but I must say you are the first I have learnt a lot.
Thank you :)
1. Carrot jumpscare
2. My weiner is hard seeing mommy Ha, bro ( I am girl)
3. I would call taeha too if I was the flower girl, to say if he hurt haesoo his pp would fall out instantly cause I just put a curse on him.
4. Impressive how women over 30 are seem in society, no matter how beautiful they are people treat women as if they hit a "wall" after that. It is disgusting. Like "You are not in your prime anymore" bs. "He could not love her cause of the age difference", but if it is the opposite and the man is older and attractive like Haesoo he is "a daddy" or "silver fox"
5. I love her cute belly, she looks so soft <333333