I think you are far from being a Normal person, cause a normal person won't even join up a conserve this dramatically. I read fantasies cause I like it , just because you think she's a minor, doesn't mean I think that too. Heh, you are being very dramatic in this too , satisfy my fantasy? Just what do you mean by this can you even tell me this detail as to who I did that. Also it's not considered pedophile at all , do you even know my age , if you are saying that

theres no opinion, if the story itself says they are highschoolers, then theres no “doesnt mean i think that” its a fact that theyre minors. you literally want to see minors have sex, if that’s not trying to satisfy your fantasy then idk what is. and no i think im pretty normal, as any normal person wouldnt sexualize minors. also, i do not care if you’re a minor, you’re still a creep for sexualizing other minors.

Cause I literally just see them as fiction, it looks like this is your first time reading a highschool manga , cause you are far too narrow minded and dramatic, cause I literally don't want to see them have sex in thier minor age if that's what you said , I never said that I want them to have sex befor graduation.whats make you think I want to see them doing that in thier highschool uniform and not just imagine that to future.

LMAOOO you’re actually making so many excuses. even if she was administered late she would still be put in her respective year, which is a sophmore. its actually rlly funny seeing you come up with so many what-ifs. if you’re 17 in your sophmore year, then you either repeated a year or you DONT live in korea bc your school system works differently.

Well if they create a mature one comic, why not ? they will age too right , and so far I see they never mentioned if they wanna see that scene in present or future, also I don't wanna explain it to you in fully at also cause that might take up the whole page , judging by how many topics you are conversing right now.

the author doesnt have to specifiy their age. they are in korea, which has the year sophmore, junior, and senior in highschool, and the story stated they are sophmores. its called context clues, which it seems you havent learned. yes, koreans have a different age system where they are already 1yr old at birth and they add a year onto their age. for example, if you are 16 in korean years, that is equivalent 15 everywhere else. but they literally said they are gonna get rid of that age system, so theyre only keeping the 1yr at birth. but guess what? NONE OF THAT MATTERS because they are STILL 15-16yrs old internationally.
Heasol needs to have a dick