because it literally says “(genre name) top 10”, thats how i know, its literally the 10 most popular comics in that genre, common sense. and the featured section at the top are the ones that are getting interacted with the most atm. and you’re literally agreeing with me that its popular bc thats what ppl are reading, not because the site is dedicated to nsfw.

yeah ship them all you want but sexualizing a minor isnt shipping. at that point you’re just tryna satisfy you’re fantasies are you're being creepy. im not mixing reality with fiction, i just have morals regardless of if its fiction or reality. im not gonna condone pedophilia just bc its fiction, my morals wont allow that. im not gonna condone sexualization of minors, rape, etc bc my morals wont allow it, idc if its fiction or not its not okay to be okay with things like that. thats what a normal person does.

“A person in their sophomore year of high school is typically between 15 and 16 years old as sophomore year corresponds to the 10th grade in most school systems” as said on google when i asked the age of sophmores in highschool. and i hope you know that this comic takes place in korea, which you are aged 15-16 in your sophmore year. so you’re just loud and wrong.
Heasol needs to have a dick