If a doctor sexually harassed me telling me it's to save me I would've genu...
If you like a genre read it. if you don't don't read it. SIMPLE
Here's my vague analysis: •Lots of saviour complex •Justified assault ...
How many verses are there?! Omegaverse was one, was surprised at Guideverse...
I guess this is why I didn't get my diploma
I understood Omegaverse and Guideverse. I don't condone to Cakeverse eventho I kinda understood it. But...uhm...Doseverse...? How did people even come up with such ideas? For me...honestly speakingz Cakeverse was the worse every type of trope I've came across. And Omegaverse always ruined me when Omegas has to suffer due of their fate...Guideverse is just a refreshing concept. Since I'm a sucker when it comes to Fantasy plots
But Doseverse...? Guys...I...didn't fancy not liked how the manga started. Like I know it's a trope where Artz(???) can heal the Kraken(???) by touching them. I mean a mere touch like holding their hands in yours as a sense of reassurance could heal the latter...and also body fluid could play a huge part in helping them with their treatment...but I felt like the ML wasn't being professional with his way of approaching the MC. I know that it's a BL manga...but what if there was someone who suffered the same plight as our MC? Will he also give the same treatment to them? And I feel like MC was just pure naive since he's suffered Soo much and he was nothing but a loveless being...having such a fvcjed up mother...and I felt like he's being too innocent and naive by accepting the ML and developing feelings for the latter due to the treatment. Because someone was finally able to treat him and...and well...'love' him. To me it felt as if ML was using the situation as an advantage to do all those things and even had the cheeks to fall for the other. That's so unprofessional
I think my brain isn't braining...maybe doing Stock Checking at work ruined my brain and I've just finished a 12.5hr shift work I'm as good a dead lol please pardon my saltiness