The first child is always safe because if divine beast protection. Ideally they just shouldn’t have had a second child because the second one is the target.
The church seems to be very powerful and have eyed and ears everywhere. She knew if she had stayed, both her and her daughter would be targeted and the daughter would be used against the duke.
So she chose to run away, live remotely. It worked for over 10years, but unfortunately they still got caught and killed.
It wasn’t stupid. She didn’t want the duke to believe that she was only with him to trick him because she truly did fall for him in the end. She rather the duke not know of the child and her horrible beginnings and leave only good memories.
Sure there may have been better options, but no one is perfect and she just valued her relationship that much

I didnt say she was stupid. I said she made a stupid decision in my opinion. He's a Duke. If he wanted to, he could have protected his daughter and he could have hid her. Your explanation of her choosing her relationship over the safety of her daughter is crazy. If she told him everything he could have used that to protect them.

Yeah wouldn’t be my decision of choice. I would’ve hoped she trusted her husband enough to tell him the truth, but she’s only human. We all make dumb decision under stress and panic. She probably believed she was fully protecting both her children and husband this way.
Honestly we don’t know how strong these bad people are. Maybe the duke would not have been able to protect, especially without a divine beast
The duchess made a stupid decision. And if it was safe to leave her son, she should have left after her daughter was born or dropped her off secretly at some point if she couldn't just ask the Duke for help