Actually I think he does care about Alice but he can’t really be open about it. He sent Siana over there specifically because he knew she would be able to take good care of and help Alice-something he isn’t able to do. A lot of the themes of this story are about how politics affect family; he cares for his sister but like stated in the story, you can never really be too close to your siblings in an environment like that one. Even him helping out Alice is considered a “business transaction” by HER. It’s likely that she would never be able to open her heart to him, so he looked for someone who was more suitable-someone who wouldn’t be considered a political rival, where openly carong for her wouldn’t paint a target on her back. Just think about it; him going over to visit more often immediately triggered Yvette to attempt to bully Alice, and when the Empress dowager showed open favour to Alice Yvette sent over poisoned dessert. Openly loving and caring for her would have probably painted a target on Alice’s back whether he wanted to or not. And it’s not like he can be there all the time to watch over her either since he’s out killing families and felling kingdoms. (Though it does seem like he has more free time now) also I think it’s hinted in Alice’s dialogue that he actually did come to see her a few times she just doesn’t trust him
Most of the things I can excuse the ml for like killing the fl family cause although they treated her like garbage he didnt know that for all he knows they couldve been a loving family but it’s still okay since thats the norm for back then. What I can’t get behind is how he didnt care for his younger sister at all? If this was from Alice POV we would all dislike the ML because he ignored alice and shes malnourished nd neglected but he started caring once the fl came along. Now before you crticize me this is my thoughts so far and my opinion is open to changing . But that really threw me off and idk if I can like it.