this is an ignorant comment - gay marriage is still illegal in korea and for a long time adoption was the only way gay couples could have legal protection
no i don’t, not on this case. do you think same sex couples want to adopt each other? no, they want the same rights as straight people but they legally cannot. they have to resort to using a system not really meant for romantic couples so they have some semblance of legal protection - the ability to pass on property or receive benefits when their loved ones pass away. so for you to be like ewwww icky without understanding why and then doubling down on it is absurd. i absolutely do not have to respect your opinion.
I understand why they do it, but as somebody who grow up in completly different culture, adpotion means that you adopting a child from an orphange because you can't have one, because you want onemore etc. For me adoption means that the person who adopted going to became a child and the other one becaming a parent. This is why I found icky in this story the adoption.
The adoption thing is just creeping me out.....