thanks so much for this. i read this a long time ago and ive been struggling to remember what happened but i refuse to put myself through this novel again LOL i had literal heart palpitations the first time through from stress…. would you mind explaining what exactly led to the whole blow up? i remember yohan’s sister told kang jun that yohan had just been acting/lying to kang jun, but i don’t remember what exactly he was lying about. i thought it was something along the lines of yohan choosing to isolate himself from his family versus the other way around, but i guess not…?

It's completely and entirely centered around Kang Jun and Yohan! The situation with Taesan is introduced as a plot device to give a reason for Kang Jun to leave Junwoo and to become closer to Yohan. They're also meant to be mirrors in a way; they follow the same trajectory, but end up differently because of different motivations. Whereas Kang Jun and Yohan are extremely complex, Taesan and Junwoo are written as very stereotypical manhwa BL (Taesan = pretty boy who's unwaveringly kind but struggles financially because of a sick grandmother, Junwoo = handsome rich playboy who gets away with everything because family connections and money). The shallowness of their characters is meant to act an amplifier for the main couples' intricacies!
Junwoo and Taesan's story pretty much ends a couple of chapters into the novel, and they begin to fade out as characters that show up regularly. There's a large revolving cast of side characters that are all important.

Haha! I love it so much so I reread it probably way to often but I understand you! I remember my first read, all the twists had me pacing the room!
Good memory! Do you mean the initial blow up? Kang Jun has that talk with Rosa after his ostracization period and after they 'make up' and go back to being friends, and it leads to another blow up lol.
It's kind of both! He was putting on an act a little because he wanted Kang Jun's attention, but it's also true that his family treats him strange. But that's all because the father treats all the children strange, and kind of pits them all against each other to earn his affection, and Yohan just can't handle it.
So, the secondary blow up is Kang Jun feeling like he'd been played a fool for Yohan's amusement when that wasn't entirely the case, because (especially later) you find out it was true in a way. I think it's extremely clear when Yohan saves Kang Jun from the acid attack and is suffering in the hospital getting skin grafts, and his family barely visits. And like the one time his dad does visit, he gives Kang Jun Yohan's guardian card, basically giving Yohan to him to care for. And that's when it clicks to him that Yohan wasn't lying.

Ooohhhh I see, yeah my memory was pretty off. Honestly I remember walking away from this novel having a pretty negative opinion on Yohan (I specifically recall going back to the novel page to check if he had the 또라이 tag because I was so confused about him LOL) but reading your summary makes me think I may have judged him too harshly (although I’m sure we can all agree both him and Kang Jun are deeply flawed regardless). I am curious though, if you remember the side stories in his POV, didn’t he kind of just believe in all the rumors about Kang Jun until the test paper incident? Would you happen to remember what exactly made him change his mind? (Also by any chance are you the OG translator from the novel a few years back???)

He doesn't transfer schools! He confides in Kang Jun that it's not possible; he came to Seoul because his grandmother has pancreatic cancer and is getting treatments, so he's there for her and can't let her know what's happening to him and doesn't have any money to make it better because of the grandmother's situation.
Junwoo basically harrasses him until the end, it's just that he's not in the school anymore so it's a little easier for Taesan to try and dodge him.
He finds happiness in his adult life~

Deeply flawed for sure! They're both terrible people in their own ways, but they're still just kids haha I think a lot of this comment section is too harsh on them. I'm actually the opposite though! I found Kang Jun to come off as the more reprehensible one, because his pride is overbearing, he's quick to judge, and he schemes over everything lol. Yohan is similar, but Yohan had a rough upbringing whereas Kang Jun was at least showered with love by his parents so I give him more of a pass hahaha.
This is where you got me! I need to brush up on my sides because I don't reread them that often lol mostly just the main university parts. Which rumors? The test paper accident meaning when the teacher filled in his answers for him after time was up, right?
And no! I'm a different one haha. I'm not sure if it's the same, but the last I heard there was a translator who decided not to finish and deleted all the posts, and now I think there's someone new trying to attempt?

Mostly his shoulders. Yohan tackles him out of the way and takes the hit. The attacker, Minho, wanted to ruin Kang Jun's face because it'd dually hurt Jun and Yohan.
Yohan torments him in a different way from how Junwoo tormented Taesan. Whereas Junwoo would beat him up himself and force others to beat him up, Yohan treats him with like he's nothing, effectively isolating him from the rest of the class. While it makes Kang Jun miserable, he finds a refuge of kindness in Shin Jaehyun. Jaehyun brings Kang Jun food to eat (he won't go to the cafeteria because he has no one to sit with) under the pretense that he can't eat it himself, and let's him hide out in a different classroom to avoid Yohan and everyone else during lunch and breaks. He also erases graffiti on the desks about how Kang Jun is Yohan's abandoned 'wife'. Caveat is that if Yohan is anywhere near, Jaehyun disappears.
Eventually Yohan folds and is the first to try and send out an "olive branch", but Kang Jun's pride won't let him take it and they keep going with their continued Cold War lol. Yohan keeps trying though, even though since he's also angry it comes across poorly. Once he finds out about Jaehyun, he tried to up the ante to get Kang Jun back, but it just leads to more blow ups.
Kang Jun gets into a fight when one of Junwoo's old clique tries to beat him up, but Jun wins by remembering moves Yohan taught him on how to win a fight. When he wakes up in the hospital, Yohan is asleep next to him. They get into another huge fight interspersed with Yohan trying to make up but it doesn't work and Yohan leaves and doesn't come back.
When Jun goes back to school, he's both teased for being a momma's boy (his parents got the kid kicked out pretty much) and praised for winning. This gives him some nerve to push back against those trying to irritate him. When he does it, Yohan jumps in and starts praising him, which throws everyone off since they were all under the impression he hated him. Yohan essentially bullied the boy bullying Jun away, and then they're left alone. Yohan tried to make up with him again, this time being more vulnerable, so much so that he actually cries. The entire time Jun is thinking Yohan's crazy and that it's all another calculated act before finally deciding he'll go along with it for his own school peace, although he severely distrusts Yohan.
That's how they 'get back together' before they blow up again /laughcries

ah rumors might have been the wrong word for it, i was just talking about the extra on yohan’s pov regarding events at the beginning/before the novel. i think there was a part where yohan did bad (ish) on a test and then kang jun wrote a little comment on his paper and yohan found it cute or smth?
and i think i just side with kang jun more because he actually had to undergo the bullying rip ㅠㅠ yohan (at least from what i recall) was always top dog at school even if he had issues with his family, and i always thought it was implied that kang jun’s family was neglectful, if loving.

I'll have to go back and look! Because during the novel there's a scene like that where Kang Jun accidentally sees one of the scores on Yohan's papers and leaves a note apologizing and cheering him on a bit, but that happened when Yohan was already obsessed with/in love with Kang Jun. Even though Kang Jun didn't know Yohan / hated him, it was love at first sight for Yohan since he saw him in 1st year.
I can see that, yeah. Yohan was dual top dog with Junwoo, but everyone acknowledged that he was still under him so he wasn't top of the top until he took him out. When it comes to Kang Jun's bullying, all the worst of it comes from the boys trying to impress Yohan, and there's so many moments where Yohan tries to get him back but Kang Jun is just so insanely prideful and stubborn that he can never see apology or regret for what it is, and spins all sorts of tales in his head for why it's not real which makes him lash out and Yohan prickle back and then it starts all over again /laughs. I felt for him during the bullying arc, but so many times I just wanted to shake him and tell him to get out of his own head and stop misjudging every action lol.
Yeah! Kang Jun's family is pretty absent, since his parents are always at work. He even says that he knows they love work more than him no matter what they say, but still they're kind to him and when he needs them to be there they are, and even if the situation is grim, they don't blame him and try to comfort him instead. Meanwhile, Yohan's parents kind of treat him like a leper, and while they help him out of the problems that he causes too, he gets a bunch of verbal abuse hurled at him whenever it happens. He's so starved of attention and affection in his family it's why he does so much weird stuff when they're around because he'll take anything he can get.

oh word actually i think that is the scenario im talking about, im probably misremembering because i had originally thought that was the turning point for yohan. sorry i think im confusing myself in trying to recall the events of the novel lol. also sorry for bombarding you with questions LOL, i have one last ask - have you read the new extras on ridi? the one that came out last year, i think it was like an omegaverse extra? have you read it? is it any good if you have? the reviews on the ridi seem really mixed but i can’t tell if it’s just people who don’t like omegaverse or if the content itself is not fun

It's funny, I just read the latest manhwa chapter and that scene is included! But it's okay, I love answering questions and talking about this book haha it's nice to see people start to come to know it after all these years, y'know.
Oh man!! I almost fell over when I saw she published that!!!! Imagine your favorite novel getting an extra piece 4 years later ahhhhh. I bought it and read the first chapter but I haven't had time to fully dive in! I don't think it's omegaverse though? I remember there's a line at the beginning in the prologue kind of, where it's like 'i'm the alpha and omega, first and last, beginning and end' but the chapter passages following were just Kang Jun coming home sweaty and stripping to go take a shower, coming out to find Yohan hiding in the laundry room getting himself off with his face stuffed into Jun's sweaty undies lol. But there wasn't any omegaverse talk what I read so far. Work is busy for novel reading so I was going to wait for my vacation next month to eat it up haha.

Wait are they translated in English? Or still it's written in Korean language? Because I know redi is a Korean site right? I was trying to have a account in redi but apparently they don't have a English version of it? And you have to pay for each manga that you want to read? But since I was a student I can't pay for each chapter..
if you want any spoilers of the plot/characters from the novel, lmk