1. Short answer: Yes & No lol. No, in that they're not dating and Taesan essentially has zero choice in anything that happens to him. Taesan never ever ends up liking Junwoo in any way. Yes, in that it's implied they've done things together and that Junwoo forced it so Taesan only has him so they are 'together' in that sense.
2. Yes, he lives a peaceful adult life! Someone asked about this during an interview a couple of years ago. The author said Taesan works at a quiet countryside town office that he commutes to by rusty old bike lol. (At the end of the story, Kang Jun tells him to forget university and to become a civil servant because the ordeal with Junwoo ruined his scores too much, so it looks like he took his advice). Also at the end, Kang Jun gave Taesan his own graduation bouquet to him as a gift (more like he was embarrassed to hold it lol) because he knew it was the last time he'd probably see him again. Apparently Taesan dried the flowers and uses them as bookmarks :')
Long answer explaining kind of how they end up like that:
Junwoo becomes increasingly more obsessed with Taesan, bullying him and isolating him from everyone else in the class so he's essentially all Taesan has, although Taesan tries to ignore that it's happening in a way. Junwoo becomes increasingly more brazen about it, less 'bullying' and more .. strange behavior that all the other boys in the class begin to pick up on.
At one point, Taesan shows up at Kang Jun(MC)'s house at like 4 in the morning, miserable and beaten up. Kang Jun wars with himself but invites him in and tries to help him, in turn learning about his problems (poor, sick grandmother = can't transfer schools). While that's happening, Kang Jun notices his phone being blown up by Junwoo, before he hears his doorbell going off like crazy. When he goes down to try and open the gate and speak sense, Junwoo just races in and acts like a rabid animal, going crazy screaming for Taesan before turning to beat Kang Jun black and blue. Kang Jun cries while trying to fight him off and Taesan cries for MC, before Junwoo grabs Taesan (which makes him vomit) and drags him off.
Later on in school, 2 rumors start spreading. One, that Junwoo's gay. Two, that Kang Jun and him had a falling out because Kang Jun couldn't put up with his gay antics anymore, but he had his ass handed to him by Junwoo and that's why he's showing up to school having been all beat up.
Junwoo's reputation plummets because everyone thinks he's gay, and he becomes the class pariah. Yohan uses this to climb the social hierarchy to overtake him as top dog. He mocks Junwoo for being gay and starts to torment him (trashing his books etc). Junwoo tries to lash out and begins asking why him and Kang Jun are always together, asking if /they/ are together in the same way everyone's making fun of him and Taesan for. This leads to a huge HUGE blowup dragout fight, with them both leaving school in an ambulance but with Yohan as the clear winner. After this Junwoo is entirely ruined and doesn't come back to school. Later Kang Jun hears from his parents that his family went bankrupt. Taesan shows up to school, bruises fading for once instead of multiplying, but his eyes are dead. Junwoo never really shows back up at school, but sometimes Kang Jun sees him waiting at the school gates for Taesan. At another point, Kang Jun runs into Taesan and while talking to him notices small blisters around his mouth. When he tries to point them out, Taesan runs away, which has Kang Jun spiral into thinking about what him and Junwoo must be doing. Basically throughout the rest of the novel, Taesan tries to move through school quietly, avoiding Junwoo. Junwoo isn't even in school, but he waits around the school still to try and be with him. There's some other key roles that Taesan plays in regards to Kang Jun/Yohan, but that's his life with Junwoo.

THANK YOU SO MUCH !!! I’m glad they didn’t end up together because Taesan deserves SO MUCH BETTER, I loathe Junwoo for all of the bs he did to him & I’m sad that he can’t do anything about Junwoo pestering him.
Tysm again for taking your time to write the long answer I truly appreciate it <3 Have a great day!!

He's one of the primary minor characters, so once the story switches into their 3rd and final year of high school, you don't see him as much because they don't share a class together anymore ; ;
IMO, the main role of Taesan is to provide the reason of why Kang Jun is pushed away from Junwoo and towards Yohan, and to act as his foil character in a way, while also being very similar (in circumstance) too. Once Junwoo is gone, Yohan becomes a little more 'friendly' with Kang Jun outright and Taesan is one of the first people to realize it. There's moments where Yohan does something that makes Kang Jun jolt and flush with embarrassment and when he looks up Taesan is there to witness it lol. But Kang Jun refuses to believe it is what it is.
Taesan tries to help him during some parts. He calls Kang Jun one night to warn him that Yohan is a weird person. Before, Kang Jun got top marks as his score and when he opened up his locker there was a note congratulating him, a little flower, and a crushed up twitching roach. He couldn't figure out who did it, but the note called him Jun-ah, which only Taesan or Yohan really use. Anyway, on the call, Taesan says it was Yohan. He explained how he wanted to congratulate Jun and went to put a letter in his locker early before class. And that's when he saw Yohan watching him, silently. He stared at him the whole time so Taesan got uncomfortable and tried to run away, but before he could Yohan laughed at him and said he was disgusting like a roach. Jun can't believe him, and is more creeped out by the fact that Taesan wanted to give him a letter. (When the bug scene happens, Yohan plays totally dumb to it lol) But Taesan continues warning Jun that Yohan is obsessed with him in 'that' way. I'll put the passage in:
After a brief hesitation, Han Taesan’s voice grew firm, as if he’d made up his mind.
-“G-Go Yohan… I think he’s obsessed with you. In that way…”
“In that way?”
“Taesan, what do you mean? What way?”
-“He… he…”
-“He’s… into you in a way that’s different from others. Be careful… that’s all I wanted to say…”
He didn’t finish his sentence, but I understood what he meant. I stopped pressing him and kept my mouth shut. Honestly, I hadn’t expected him to say this much. More precisely, I didn’t think Han Taesan would notice something like this. How could he know what even I didn’t? Without any evidence? It was shocking.
Then again, maybe that’s what experience does. Han Taesan, who had openly faced sexualized gazes from men, and I, who had only been beaten senseless by Han Junwoo, must have seen the world through very different lenses.
He disregards him, only to find out he's completely right.
Flash forward a little bit and there's a huge explosion between Kang Jun and Yohan that forces Kang Jun to be in a similar role to how Taesan was at the beginning. Yohan bullies Kang Jun and isolates him from the rest of the class so none of the other students feel comfortable being friendly with him (unless they too want to see Yohan's wrath) and the ones looking to get on Yohan's good side more viciously bully him. Things start happening to him, like 'accidentally' getting hit in the face by a ball or having his indoor shoes stolen, but he refuses to believe he's like Taesan.
This is when he gets hit in the face with the ball and has to go to the nurse because his nose won't stop bleeding, and he runs into Taesan there (Yohan broke is arm & his feet are messed up bc he stepped on glass after his shoes were stolen):
An awkward silence passed. Just as Han Taesan seemed to collect himself, his gaze shifted from his hand to my arm, and then down to my feet. At that moment, a shadow of doubt clouded his large, round eyes. His expression brimmed with suspicion.
Once again, my feet tingled with guilt. Assuming I knew what Han Taesan was thinking, I rushed to explain.
“No, it’s not… what you’re thinking.”
“You’re misunderstanding.”
Han Taesan’s expression was serious. At that moment, I couldn’t bring myself to look him in the eye. His previous warning to me echoed relentlessly in my head. The one I had ignored.
Even now, I didn’t fully believe it. My conscience, patchworked with flimsy hope, refused to accept the truth. It wasn’t entirely wrong—nothing like what happened to Han Taesan had ever happened to me. The kind of violence he had faced.
“What… what do you think I’m misunderstanding?”
But the reason I couldn’t outright deny his words was that I was starting to realize an uncontrollable situation had been inching closer for some time now. If Han Junwoo represented violence, Go Yohan symbolized indifference. Stroking the rough surface of the cast on my arm, I murmured as if to justify myself.
“I don’t know exactly what you think, but if it’s what I suspect you’re thinking… No, I wasn’t hit.”
“I fell. I stepped on glass. I got hit by a soccer ball. That’s all.”
“Kang Jun.”
Han Taesan spoke in a calm, serious tone. Though his usual stammer was still there, his voice carried a weight that it hadn’t before.
“You’re… you’re too kind, so you don’t see it.”
“It started the same for me, too—with a soccer ball falling out a window.”
“The second time, it was my shoes. My shoes were thrown in the dump.”
“Taesan, you have a tendency to overthink things.”
For once, Han Taesan spoke without stuttering, “…Go and check for yourself.”
I couldn’t bring myself to meet his gaze, which seemed to say, It’ll be there. Instead, I looked down, pressing the tissue harder against my nose. My shoes aren’t in some garbage dump. Someone must’ve stolen them and worn them—they were expensive and nice, after all. There’s no reason for me to dig through a dump to confirm something like that.
The tissue in my hand began to smell faintly of blood. I shook my head harder. Yet Han Taesan’s low, persistent voice continued to haunt me.
“Jun-ah, you’re smart.”
“Not like me…”
Han Taesan didn’t know much about me. I wasn’t kind, and I wasn’t smart. Sure, there was a time when I believed I was smart. But once I realized I was just an eighteen-year-old with no real wisdom, the truths I thought I knew were thrown straight into the trash. I crumpled the tissue in my hand, its dampness smearing blood across my palm.
“I’ve told you before—I’m not the good person you think I am.”
This time, it was Han Taesan who shook his head.
“No, I’m not.”
Han Taesan’s unwavering goodwill made me uncomfortable. It was such a vexing kindness that it made my face twist with irritation.
That discomfort couldn’t be neatly labeled as any particular emotion. It simply grated on my nerves. Silently, I discarded the now-useless tissue and pulled out a new one. I folded it neatly into a square that fit in my palm, then pressed it against my nose. Han Taesan awkwardly tried to help but, realizing I’d already managed on my own, failed and chuckled softly.
“You’re just a little… immature.”
I frowned and glared at him. Immature? Me? But I tried to mask my annoyance. Taking a slow, controlled breath, I forced a smile onto my face.
“Taesan, I hate to break it to you, but I’m plenty mature.”
“Anyone who thinks like that… isn’t mature.”
Yet even in the face of my rebuttal, Han Taesan just laughed and said:
“…You’ll become a really good adult.”
“You were the only one who helped me.”
Hopefully these snippets let you see how good of a person he is :')
And yeah, Junwoo really stops showing up in the story after his big defeat. It's crazy but if I'm remembering right, the last time they talk about him is right after they take each other's virginities in the side stories lmfao the memory of him just pops into their heads after being absent for so long.

Graduation essentially. In the third year, everyone was shifted into a new class besides Yohan and Kang Jun who stayed together. So he isn't seen much in the story after that point, which happens maybe about halfway through the novel. He just lays low, and Junwoo doesn't attend classes, just still waits outside the gates for Taesan.
The author wrote that Junwoo and Taesan did have contact after graduation and had initially written a scene about it, but scrapped it thinking it was too much. She did divulge that even though there's a point of contact, Taesan hates Junwoo so much that even if they happen to meet by chance, he'd just glare at him and it wouldn't lead to anything. She said he had grown internally and learned to let go of his fear and anger.
Kang Jun and Yohan's relationship is so messy and complex /laughs but they're really my all time favorite characters because of it. I think if I wrote a long post detailing even just the key points it'd be 10 miles long haha but if you want that I can try.
Basically TLDR version, the whole situation with Junwoo and Taesan pushes them closer. Junwoo is destroyed because of his fight with Yohan, and Yohan ursurps his throne and Kang Jun swaps roles from being known as Junwoo's right hand man to Yohan's.
They have a series of hot and cold moments where they're close to when Yohan gives him the cold shoulder because Kang Jun does something to tick him off, but he never realizes what. Yohan also does some pretty strange things during this time that come into play later.
Eventually it gets better and they're super close again. They're each other's deskmates and Yohan starts coming to Kang Jun's house to fool around while he studies. There's one moment where Yohan's leaving and Kang Jun tells him to take a cab home and Yohan gives him a funny look. And another where Yohan asks Kang Jun to walk him home, which Kang Jun balks at saying it's weird for guys to do. Yohan is upset because all this time Kang Jun has never realized that Yohan is his neighbor, which is one of the main stress points of their friendship: that Kang Jun never really outright asks anything about Yohan or seems to care about anyone but himself. Also around this time Kang Jun runs into Yohan's father outside of the church, and when he brings it up to Yohan he completely goes quiet and pale which makes Jun curious.
Kang Jun ends up having to go to Yohan's house where finds the secret to Yohan's home life (he's isolated and ostracised by his family, and left to fend for himself), which tugs at his heart strings enough that he invites Yohan to come to his house (he's living alone atp because his parents are working abroad and his old housekeeper quit). Partially because he feels bad for him, but mostly because it makes him feel good about himself that the strongest guy in school has to seek refuge in him.
Yohan kind of starts moving into his house. There's a series of events that happened that led to this culmination point, but basically there's a huge blow up where Kang Jun finds out both of Yohan's deepest secrets (one being that he's gay), and Yohan starts freaking out screaming. Kang Jun tries to calm him down by playing dumb, but Yohan turns it onto him as a way to protect himself, calling him out as being the same. They fight and eventually settle by both playing dumb to each other because they're too prideful to give in lol. Kang Jun realizes Yohan's family issues must be because he's gay, so he offers to help him. They go to Yohan's house to enact their plan when there's a moment where he sees just how sad Yohan is within this family, so Kang Jun has this spontaneous moment where he decides to do something (force Yohan's family to eat dinner with him) for someone else's sake for the first time, no ulterior motives, and it completely blows up in his face. Yohan has like a panic attack and basically attacks Kang Jun in his room. He's crying. Kang Jun's crying. They're all a mess. Kang Jun manages to shove him off and make a run for it but he trips iirc and Yohan grabs him again and holds him down. Still crying he threatens that if Kang Jun leaves he's dead but Kang Jun bashes him with an alarm clock and runs out. He runs into Yohan's sister and tries to make an excuse but his face and arm are a mess and his shirt's all ripped.
When he goes to school later Yohan treats him like he's nothing. He eventually finds himself as the new victim, getting ostracized and bullied by all the students because of Yohan.
Annnd I'm realizing this TLDR isn't a TLDR AT ALL i'm so sorry i'll stop here and if you want to know more i'll keep going it's just hard to explain anything without giving details or else it kind of doesn't make sense /cryinglaughing
like even just when people simplify it down to a trope like enemies to lovers to enemies its wrong because there was none of that LOL this is one of those stories with way too many intricacies

It's still called Eighteen's Bed in Korean! 열여덟의 침대 ~ Novel picture? Each volume has a different cover; you can look at them all here https://namu.wiki/w/%EC%97%B4%EC%97%AC%EB%8D%9F%EC%9D%98%20%EC%B9%A8%EB%8C%80 The light/colors of each cover are indicative of the emotion in that chapter ^^

I bought on RIDI so where I read is locked behind paywall! Sometimes you can find the raws though, I'll be able to check around tomorrow if you want to MTL yourself☆ I did!! Mrblue released it as a manhwa promo and it seriously made me burst into tears hahaha! This book and characters mean so much to me, so I was so worried this manhwa adaptation would be trash, but that animation teaser put all my worries to bed :') they really captured the atmosphere well
if you want any spoilers of the plot/characters from the novel, lmk