What??? Not punching the mc is literally a BARE MINIMUM. I don't think anybody(if there r, then they're just childish ATP) is bothered with the fact that the ml said something about "u would misunderstand my intentions" but more so with the fact he literally makes the mc uncomfortable PURPOSELY. He also gets easily irritated cuz the mc is a timid guy, and we could tell he knows the mc enough so by being rude and accusing the mc of stalking him is life so out of line. Cuz who tf is he to assume everybody wants his ass?? I get it, his a borderline narcissist/guy who knows his hot, but seriously?? Why tf would u assume that from someone who literally avoids u(not just u, pretty much everyone) and HE knows this. U could just tell from the things he said to the mc/defended the mc from being swarmed by ppl. So no, most ppl aren't mad cuz of him drawing the line, it's prolly cuz of his jackass.
I'm just upset with the fact that we get this stupid ass ml instead of someone else who will definitely treat the mc with the respect he deserves Ó╭╮Ò but alas, the mc is already inlove with this jerk.. and with his personality, I just know damn well the mc would let go a lot of problems caused by the ml.

no one said anything about punching. but if we being honest it's easy to misunderstand someone's intentions, when in fact a lot of people want his ass in this universe. when did he make the MC uncomfortable? unless I read wrong please tell me I might have misread but it's not the ml fault his intentions are misread.

Yeah, u better re-read cuz u clearly don't see what the ml has said/done. Ig accusing a timid guy for being stalker is normal LOL and that further proves his big ass ego. Man, I could alrdy predict the things that r gonna happen to this poor naive mc. His gonna get played so hard, but his still gonna go Doki Doki to this sht 100%, if the ml cheats on him, he would forgive him right there and then.
I’m confused why are y’all mad at him for drawing a line? Ok fine he is quite rude but at least he’s not evil