Between the time we wait for updates & the nods to the amount of time passing in the comic... the pacing of the arc isn't that bad at all or unreasonable tbh. I get what some are saying, but I reeeeeally don't agree and it would feel far too dishonest if I were to say otherwise.
Lets be real, if the author dedicated too many chaps to the chasing... it'll become a vol. of glorified filler. It would degrade the overall quality of the manga with draw out melodrama without hitting any plot points. Something to consider as it HAS to move on. We'll have flashbacks later surely, but the story pacing has to stay the same so the few updates we get aren't total drivel... And it also ISNT a true chasing arc guys :,) Like I know people want this arc to be different & fit some formulaic love-regret chase arc, but this isn't that. This is big tox horse cock hunting down his physical therapist b/c he has E.D. You don't see that everyday.
(⊙…⊙ ) I've never seen literal Valhala in a manga comment sec before, but here we are