"Why won't they leave him alone?" Guys... why should they? The next Great Dungeon is coming and they need all the help they can get. Why would the government care about him beyond the information he can give or his fighting abilities? Sacrificing one person for the better of humanity is a very common trope. Why would they care that he's suicidal, depressive, suffers from PTSD, survivor guilt, and is dependent on pills? They even bother the crippled woman who also survived the dungeon. Why would he be an exception?
so true tho. i hate guilt tripping but even i know there's nothing much others can do. overall i think ppl in general are trying their best to be considerate
"Why won't they leave him alone?"
Guys... why should they? The next Great Dungeon is coming and they need all the help they can get. Why would the government care about him beyond the information he can give or his fighting abilities? Sacrificing one person for the better of humanity is a very common trope. Why would they care that he's suicidal, depressive, suffers from PTSD, survivor guilt, and is dependent on pills? They even bother the crippled woman who also survived the dungeon. Why would he be an exception?