that's just weird so justifying killing is okay but not raping ? maybe never bring moral in this kind of FICTION especially DEAD DOVE fiction, it has warning for a reason, if your brain are not develop enough to understand than please never ever touch a dead dove fiction where moral has 0 value here

I never justified killing is okay, i said its only okay if its your rapist? If youve never been a victim yourself, or havent seen actual rape cases and only seem them in fiction, youd still have the capacity to know that rape is a long term damage . No person, alive on this earth should go through rape, with any reason. Killing is more of a mercy than getting something against your will. Please, I only replied because you were justifying his actions of becoming a rapist because he was also raped. Im not stupid enough to not know what dead dove is, but that literally has nothing to do with why i replied to you in the first place ? If you also had the brain capacity to understand my comment rather than telling me how the story has obvious warnings. I obviously know how the story has no moral values, but you as a human should have some value or some sort of empathy, but with your comment, I assume not

i've been a victim, i know damn well it's traumatizing, but again this is FICTION, I can say what I wanted to say regarding this matters, and for you to assume that if people have empathy or not just because i justify raping in a FICTIONAL STORY especially in a psychological story ???? excuse you, get out with that moral shit
No cause I feel so bad for the uke he needs the doc asap ㅠㅠ a red flag uke and a black flag ml oh dang… this is so messed up