Characters like Diona weird me out a little bit bc when she thinks of being with Tarkan, s...

Apathetic_fluffball January 5, 2025 12:45 pm

Characters like Diona weird me out a little bit bc when she thinks of being with Tarkan, she focus on herself first
Like, she attaches this mental image of herself of an elegant, powerful and "perfect" when she thinks of him
I don't know if that's genuine love
Like, when you're in love don't people think of the other person? Like the things they like about them and what makes them attractive and even further, what you could do to make them happy?
I find it weird how Diona says she absolutely loves him when she disregards his own words of rejection
Like, love without respect isn't just an unhealthy relationship?

    Ray January 5, 2025 5:00 pm

    No not Love but an obsession, she already fashioned herself a place beside him out of pure delusion, but his attitude didn't help dissuade her idealations so he's also to blame for his words and not knowing the rumors surrounding him.