I don't agree with you. I have (not too bad) mysophobia and even in a lower state, this is a terrible and disgusting "solution". what the "doctor" should have done if he was decent, instead of what he wanted because his patient was super vulnerable,, would be to maybe down the line try going with cooking, baking, to make him use his hands. maybe try some pottery or plasticine. there are a lot of things out there that one can do with their hands that don't involve sexual assault and abuse (cause yes. that did happen. and yes. he was raped by a person he trusts). to add to that, he will never be "cured". things will just be more manageable, but it's fine and normal for there to be relapses, there just needs to be a lot of care and patience (even more from a wannabe doctor). plus, the subway is indeed disgusting, but a good way to work around that is to walk with alcohol gel and tell yourself "it's okay. I can clean my hands when I get out." etc. to add to that, I think falling in love is natural, and it could have been a super nice story, but instead. we get this fucked up mess that's trying too hard to be seen as a cute love story with "messy" characters. btw ! your last statement was fucked up and I think you should be aware !

Well I didn't say it was in any way an appropriate solution, because it wasn't. Originally the mysophobia was an extention of him hating himself for loving his father in that way. It ended up becoming an imprinted habit to stay away from anything dirty, but at the same time he thought himself as the most dirty one. The seme wasn't wrong when he realized shiratoni had those hidden desires that caused the mysophobia. By the end, the seme himself admitted that in his own darkest desires, he kinda didn't was shiratoni necessarily cured. That's part of why he ended up leaving the field once his own doubts about what happened to the first guy he liked got resolved. Like that chapter in his life needed to be closed. He knew he was no nice guy from the beginning. Meanwhile shiratoni being as he is, he is so shut-in that he's super gullible and at the same time stubborn. It took forming a friendship with soemone to trick himself into getting treated. He didn't take seriously getting better even until it felt like he was doing it for the sake of someone he cares about, which imo is sorta fucked up in itself. Yeah it took a nasty turn, but what I meant by in my last sentence was that shiratoni is so stubborn that it was gonna take someone personal to him to even get him to consider the notion of getting better. A lover ofc is always the closest of personal you can get so it's a very effective motivation. Ofc, all in all, he could have gotten a lover in a wayyy more normal way in the first place with more patience instead of with the piece of shit seme. If you take the fucked up seme of this story out of the equation, my point stands. Unfortunately, he had to have gotten close to someone who ended up taking advantage of him which is sad. At the very least, by the end of the story he is starting to learn to love himself and then the story makes it seem like despite kinda resolving the issue over his father, it would be a long road to him getting unused to thinking the way mysophobia has you think. Much like how anorexia works, first it's for control over life or feeling like you need to fit a mold etc, and then later even if those core issues are being worked on, it cam take a while to actually rewire the brain to eat normal meals. That's what I meant by him benefitting that much from getting a lover, though I wish it had been a far better person he got close with. His heart can finally fully move on from the 'dad he loved' trauma and start anew as he slowly works at being ok with dirty objects around him etc. I do understand how my last statement sounds, but just as this manga was messy, truly some poeple end up only getting better after a messy start whether it was ok or not. Should it have happened the way it did with the shitty ass seme? No. But at least he has a reason to try now, especially because he has other friends around him he probably wants to have more experiences with.
seemed much much better when I was younger.