Somewhat serious answer incoming: writing taboo kinks are just considered normal for many Korean authors. I don't think it means they're fucked up in the head. Do I think it's kind of sad that stories need to have a ton of porn and/or coercive themes to be popular? Yeah, kinda! But again while not all Korean bl creators are into men being abused, imo many of the ones that do like that stuff are products of their environment. Especially considering how fucking awful Korea is for women, where a lot of the sex education material they receive growing up is misogynistic. And where men sexually terrorize women on the fucking daily. So I feel like this is reflected in their kinks, where they are freely able to depict scenes of awful violence. Then they put other men in the position the abused woman occupies. You asked what happened to them, and I'm gonna take a shot in the dark and say THAT happened :')
Seeing that this was made by the same person who made sadistic beauty and the BL version, really put things into perspective. Who did this to her to where she writes shit like this.