Yea and maybe its just me being numb that I dont feel the emotions. I mean I usually feel it when the emotions are displayed or shown but here it is shown but somehow its not enough to make my heart experience earthquake. My bad for not explaining clearly I just dont know how to explain stuff...emotions and words are too hard for me to explain and describe.

Oh I replied the reason to ASY2 kindly read it. Not forcing you though I just thought it might answer your question. I just tend to be very immersed into the story so I just imagine myself as the MC (which that helped me to understand the plot more) and experience the emotions they feel through the screen but when I read this, I can feel it but somehow, its faint...like if I would rate how faint it is out of ten I would say 4...but still the plot is good which its still deserves a 3-4 star rating from me.

You’re alright because I felt the same way. The emotions that were interpreted were just a little bit different from the other ones that I’ve read. Other romance manga/hwa/hua had more of a “Damn, this kinda love goes hard” effect. After reading you sit there thinking about how it made your heart pound and all that. This one on the other hand had more of a “ah..teenage love” kinda thing going on. It’s like you’re an oldie watching two youngsters flirt from afar and admire their love for each other but then you go on with your day and forget all about it. Idk if this is what you’re going for but this is what it looks like from my perspective.
Its lacking...but its so good too...but its still lacking BUT FUCK THIS IS SO WHOLESOME BITCH IM SINGLE